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A/N - okay so the italicised parts are her diary :-))

April 17

My mother had a miscarriage today... The whole family is rather shook up about it. My mother is especially upset, she was excited for another baby boy. Personally, having 4 kids and a baby on the way at 36 seems a bit overwhelming when I think about it but she loves it. She's downstairs right now reading parts of the Bible to my brother and sisters.

"Abigail! Come here please." My mother called from downstairs and I quickly shut my diary.

"Yes mother?" I asked as i reached the bottom of the staircase. My sisters and brother sat cross legged in front of her chair, looking up at me as I got closer.

"Could you take over the Bible Study for me, dear? I'm not feeling too well.." She slumped slightly, holding out the thick book.

"I-um.. I told you I was going to go out tonight.. I'm suppose to be meeting James and Luke for karaoke.." I fumbled with the ends of my shirt as I mumbled.

"Abigail, what did I tell you about mumbling?" She crossed her arms.

"I-I'm sorry.." I apologised.

"Plus, I'm sure your father isn't comfortable with you going out at night with two boys." She said sternly.

"But mother it's just James and Luke, he knows them and-"

"Enough Abigail! You aren't going. " She rose her voice, making me flinch.

My sisters covered at their ears as she "yelled". Her eyes softened as she looked down at the small children.

"Come on girls, lets go to your room. Ian, you can go to your room if you'd like as well." She led the small girls to their room down the hall, giving me a glare before turning and talking to them softly.

"You and Mom never get along anymore, why?" My brother asked.

"I.. I don't know. " I muttered, shaking my head and walking toward the door.

"Where are you going?" He questioned.

"Just for a walk, I'll be right back.. Don't tell mom, please." I grabbed my jacket and pulled it tightly over me as I walked out the door.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket, dialling Jame's number.

"Helloooo?" He sang.

"Hi James, um.. I'm sorry but I can't make it to karaoke.. My mother had a miscarriage earlier and I'm suppose to watch my siblings for her.." I mumbled quickly.

"Woah slow down girl!" He giggled, "it's fine, Luke and I will just have to have fun without you. "

I smiled. "Alright, I'll see you tomorrow at mass ."

"See you thereeee." He replied, hanging up quickly.

I sighed, putting the phone back in my pocket.

I felt a raindrop hit my arm.

Great, just great.

I pulled the hood of my jacket up. I walked a few more feet and it started pouring. I'm not even sure where I am. I think I'm lost, officially lost.

I felt my heart race as I turned to find headlights. I'm going to be kidnapped and killed and shoved into the back of that white truck.

The truck pulled up and I was shocked to find an unfamiliar boy around my age in the driver seat.

"Do you need a ride?" He asked. Something about him seemed comforting. Maybe it's his tan skin that's barely visible from the moonlight, or his deep brown eyes I can see from here.

" I'm not suppose to talk to strangers." I muttered quietly, "But thanks for the offer." I attempted a small smile.

"Oh c'mon , how old are you, 10? Just get in, I think I know where you live. Your mother is Julie, right?"

I nodded, dumbfounded. How does he know my mother?

"She uh.. Goes to church where my grandmother used to." He muttered, obviously seeing my confusion. His eyes looked sad as he mentioned his grandmother.

I nodded slowly, hesitating but grabbed the handle of the door, climbing in slowly.

"Are you new in town?" I asked after a few moments of silence. The strange music that was playing through the radio was making me uncomfortable but I tried not to let it show.

"Yeah, I um moved here on my own just this week.. My parents kinda kicked me out." He shrugged. He didn't seem too bothered about it.

"May I ask why?"

"It's a long story." He muttered, turning the radio up slightly.

He sang along quietly to the song. He has a soothing voice but the music genre definitely isn't my type.

"What about you? How long have you lived here?" He asked suddenly, turning the music down.

"I've lived here my whole life." I replied bluntly. I've always wanted to go to other places but my parents would never allow me to.

"That sounds boring." He replied.

"Why's that?" I turned down the music until it was almost silent and he glared.

"There's no adventure just living in one place."

I stayed silent for the rest of the ride.

"I can't believe you rode all this way and didn't even ask my name. " He smiled slightly as we reached my house.

"I-um.. I'm Abigail, your name?"

"Calum, Calum Hood." His name has a nice ring to it.

"Nice to meet you, Calum.." I held out my hand and he took it lightly in his, I nearly gasped as his lips brushed my hand.

"Nice to meet you too, Abigail." He bit his lip and half smiled, waving as I exited the truck.

I watched him slowly back out of the driveway from the doorway until his white truck was out of sight.

He seems like a nice guy, who knows, maybe he'll be at mass tomorrow.

A/N - so this was really short and kinda boring but the next chapter will be Abigail at mass and will introduce tons of new characters :-) hope you like this fic, be sure to give feedback!

Religion. | c.h au [on hold]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora