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"Hey, Calum right?" Emma walked up to the dark haired boy, putting a hand on his shoulder as if she'd known him for years.

"Uh.. Yeah." He looked confused at first and met my eyes.

"I'm Emma, Abigail's best friend." Emma smiled, taking her hand of his shoulder. "We were just wondering if you would want to sit by us at lunch?"

He kept his eyes on me and nodded slowly, "Yeah, sure."

"Awesome!" Emma beamed, leading him to the cafeteria, leaving me trailing behind. Already the third wheel and we haven't even sat down yet.

"So Calum, how are you?" Emma asked as we sat at our normal table.

I really wish Megan was here, she knows how to get a good and normal conversation going. Hopefully she'll be back by tomorrow.

"I'm fine." He replied blunty.

"You have a crush on little Abigail don't you?" I nearly spit out my water. Emma pinched at my cheeks and i could tell i was already bright red. This is going to be a long lunch.

"I uh.. Guess you could put it that way, she does interest me." He replied, a small smirk playing on his lips as he looked at me.

"OooOh, Abigail, what do you think of Calum?" Emma elbowed me lightly, raising her eyebrows.

"I-I.. He seems nice." I said quietly. A silence followed for a few minutes and Calum looked uncomfortable as hell, then Emma broke the quietness.

"Since you both obviously have interests in each other why don't you go out somewhere today after school?"

Really Emma? Really?

"I um- I don't know, you know how my parents are-" I stuttered but was quickly interrupted.

"Just tell them you're going out with Luke, they love him." Emma said, smiling slightly.

"I'll think about it." I muttered, looking down at my hands.

"God Ab, at this point you're never going to kiss a boy." Emma sad harshly crossing her arms across her chest.

I could feel my cheeks turning red. It's rather embarrassing to be almost 17 and still not have your first kiss. I can't believe she just said that.

"Fine, ill go." I attempted to smile but I could tell even Calum knew it was fake. He looked almost heartbroken, he must really actually be interested. Either that or he's disappointed he doesn't have a girl to do... Things with.

As I made my way down the hall after lunch I felt a hand grab my arm and I jumped. I turned to see Calum.

"Hey, listen, if you don't want to hang out after school or whatever we don't have to.. Don't let her influence your own opinion, you can think for yourself, alright?" His tone was quiet but serious, his brown eyes meeting mine.

"I - uh.." I trailed off slightly as I looked at him. "It's fine, really, you interest me as well...kinda." A small smile lit his lips. "Okay, see you after school then," he gave a small wave before stalking down the hallway.

I walked a few steps, stopping at Luke's locker.

"Luke can you um.. Cover for me tonight?" It feels so weird being the one asking, usually he'd be the one asking me.

His eyebrows furrowed as he looked away from his locker. "Sure... But can I ask exactly what I'm covering for?"

"I uh.. I'm going on a date thing after school." I replied quietly.

"No kidding," he smiled, "with who?"

"The new kid, Calum." His eyes widened and he started shaking his head nearly violently.

"Oh no no no no Abigail, sweet Abigail, you can't go out with him , are you crazy?" He scream whispered.

"What's so bad about him? He seems like a nice boy." I said defensively.

"I don't know if it's true, forget I said it. Just be careful, k?" He patted my shoulder lightly, looking concerned. I nodded slowly and he shut his locker & walked away quickly.

That was weird, what could the rumour possibly be?

A/N - this was kinda a short chapter but the next one will be better i promise please please pleaSe give this fic some time, I promise that it's a lot different than any fics you've read. Xx

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