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April 18

It's three in the morning. I don't see why my parents choose to go to the earliest mass, it's so stressful. I'm so tired I can barely write.

"Abigail! Are you almost ready?" My dads voice called from downstairs.

"Yeah.." I replied drowsily, shutting my notebook and setting it under my

pillow. My mother was known to look through it if I don't keep it hidden somehow.

I trudge down the stairs, my flats making loud clacking noises as I walked. My mother coaxed me to eat but I refused, I'll just eat after mass I assured her. I probably won't though. I guess you can say I don't have much of an appetite.

After the holy trinity and kneeling I took my spot beside Luke and James. They've been my best friends ever since I can remember.

"Hi buttercup!" James squeaked, giving me a quick side hug before sitting back in his seat. Luke gave me a sheepish wave, his cheeks slightly tinted pink.

"How've you guys been? Having all the fun without me?" I asked quietly, smiling.

"Oh you know, we've just been hanging out around town, going to karaoke and shopping a few times." James rambled on and on, but Luke seemed distracted, not paying any attention. His eyes were glued to the older women behind us, who were gossiping about something.

"I don't know he's just quite... different from the other boys. I think he may be homosexual. Should we ask Liz?" They seemed completely oblivious that he was staring right at them as they talked about him literally behind his back.

"You okay?" I asked, reaching and touching Luke's arm.

"I-uh , yeah. I'm fine.." He moved uncomfortably.

"Don't let what they say bother you alright? We both know its not true, right James?" I turned to James who'd gotten eerily quiet.

"Mmhmm." He managed, giving Luke and small pat on the shoulder.

The room got quiet instantly and we turned to see Father Ashton entered the room.

"Sorry I was a little later than usual, got a little caught up." He gave a nervous laugh before signalling to the piano lady (I think her name is Rosa).

After the beginning song. The gospel and homily seemed to go by faster than usual and soon enough we were already doing the song for blessing.

Communion and wine went the same as usual, it's really my favourite part. It just makes me feel... Blessed really and more alive.

It also means getting closer to Father Ashton. I'm not normally the... hormonal type. But he just makes me feel things.

After going back to my seat and kneeling to pray it was FINALLY time for the ending song.

"Are your parents done being party poopers yet, Ab? We miss hanging with you!" James gushed and Luke somewhat nodded in agreement.

"I'll ask if I can hang out tonight but I doubt it, considering school tomorrow." I shrugged, giving an apologetic look.

"Ughhhhh your school sucks Ab, I wish you could go to St. Matthews with Luke and I!" groaned James.

"Well, i can't." I replied bluntly.

"Why notttttt??" He groaned as we started walking out into the commons area.

"Because my parents aren't rich snobs like yours, James." I huffed, "My parents use all their money on my younger siblings or charity." I crossed my arms, picking up my walking pace slightly.

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