I know im weird and I accept it

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So there is a reason that I say I'm weird, not that I'm different but I'm weird.

I'm over it now but this story is about how I was bullied in 6th grade (6th grade was the worst)

I'm over it now and wouldn't change a thing in the past, because of being bullied I realized what I wanted to do as a carrier one day so I'm not sad about it now.


In 6th grade I had advisory, lunch, and 2 afternoon classes with the two boys that bullied me. So I saw them all day every day.

Did I mention advisory means I see them at the beginning middle and end of my day everyday.

Well at first they were just a little rude and would sometimes say I was weird.

After a few months they were saying it ever time they saw me.

My classmates did nothing, said nothing so I just thought the they must think I'm weird as well.

I lost all my self confidence to speak to other people, but I only really noticed the next year (7th grade) when I stoped speaking.

(I forgave the bullies a long time ago, and at the time I didn't know this but one of them was going through a tough family situation so making fun of me was probably his outlet. I don't hate them or blame them, I wanted to make that clear.)

I only spoke to 4 students and my teachers. I never spoke to my classmates, or spoke during class.

I would go home and cry because I wanted to speak but I couldn't.

I mean I physically couldn't, I couldn't even say hi or thank-you simple things.

I tried but the sound didn't come out.

This lasted 2 years, some of my teachers even contacted my parents asking if I was ok.

Btw I was also in counseling at the time  I had been going since 5th grade

I used to get bad nightmares in 5th grade and couldn't sleep so that why I was there for the first year, but the next 3 years it was because of the bullying.

I had been bullied before but it had never affected me that much I used to literally not care at all.

The counseling helped me cope bc I had someone to talk to. (I want to be a school counselor btw, thats how this made me realize what my calling in life was) 

It was 9th grade when I was finally pulled out of my shell, in speech class.

(Ironic right, person scared to speak get put in speech class)

I meat two people there who later became my friends. They were both a grade above me.

One was a girl and the other was a boy, both were nice and quirky like me.

I met some of my other friends through them and now I am able to speak to people, although I still get scared.

O, and I'm about to go to college so I can study to be a counselor

Yep,  just a short story of my life

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