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Elena's POV:

"I hear the wind call my name,

The sound that leads me home again.

It sparks up the fire- a flame that still burns,

To you I will always return."

Bryan Adams ~ "I Will Always Return"

I walked into the dinning hall with Brace. She didn't talk much I could tell. I'll have to change that,I thought to myself. My eyes widedned a little when we entered the dining room, it was huge. I could tell that the hotel had been a five star place before it was shut down or whatever. The ceiling was high and covered in old paintings, on one wall there where large windows that had been covered with wood planks. I didn't like the planks on the windows, they limited the amount of sun light in the room, they made the room seem darker. I resisted the urge to rip the planks off the windows and contenued to look around the room.

I noticed that there where lots of tables, there was one large table in the middle and a bunch of others surrounding it. All the tables were filled with at least seven teens that looked some what alike. I also noticed that some tables had more kids than others. I wounder which table I sit at, and how many people sit at it. I glanced at Brace and saw that she was looking around at the tables too.

Noticing Percy amd Will sitting at the big table I began to walk twards it. Brace quickly caught up to me, "What are you doing?"

"There's Percy and Will," I say pointing, "and that Gracson dude."

"It's Mason," she corrects.

"Gracson, Mason, same thing, don't really care."

We reach the table they turn to look at us. I noticed Annabeth sitting next to Percy. There were also a bunch of other people sitting at the table. A cinnamon colored hair girl with gold eyes and dark skin sat next to Annabeth and a tall Chinese guy next to her (on the end of the table). At head of the table, next to Frank, was a tanned skinned boy with curly dark hair,and grease stains on his face. Will sat across from him and a really annoyed looking blond guy sat next to him. A dark hair, tall, warrior looking chick sat next to him and across from Annabeth. Her gaze was blank, and dark. Next to her was Chason, or whatever his name was, who sat a cross from Percy. It was who sat next to him who really caught my eye.

He looked about my age and had messy black hair and pale skin. He, unlike the others, hadn't turned to look at us. He wore an aviator's jacket and black jeans and tee shirt. I felt a elbow prod my ribs, dragging my eyes away from the dark teen I noticed the seat infront of him (next to Percy and on this end of the table) was empty.

I looked back at Percy, "Hey," I gave a small wave, "We were wondering where we were supposed to sit?"

"You sit with your cabi- I mean, siblings," he corrected himself.

I put my hands on my face and smiled, "I have siblings!?!" Percy gave a small confused smile and glanced at Will.

"Well, what am I a distant cousin? You already new that I existed," Will raised his hands in queston.

"Well, yeah, but I didn't know I had siblings not just a sibling! Plus, you're boring," I add and give him a small smile and take my hands off my face.

I had gotten to know Will pretty well in our short training season, mostly because I talk a lot.

"Um, Percy, are you going to introduce us?" The cinnamon haired girl asked.

"Oh, right! This is Elena and Brace. Elena's a daughter of Apollo and Brace of Ares." He gestured to us when he said our names.

"Elena, Brace this is Hazel daughter of Pluto," he pointed to the dark skinned girl and she waved. "That's Frank son of Mars, and your Roman half-brother, Brace," he pointed at the large boy next to Hazel. "Next to Frank is Leo, son of Hephaestus." He pointed at the currley haired boy, who waved.

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