Chapter 12: A Knife Named Boredom

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"I'm setting fire to the life that I know

Let's start a fire everywhere that we go

We starting fires, we starting fires

'Til our lives are burning gold..."

'Burning Gold' by Christina Perri

Elena's POV

"I feel like I've been stabbed forty three times," I say effortlessly as I lay on the training room floor.

Brace stopped where she stood and turned her head, giving me a slightly worried look. "What?"

"I feel like I've been stabbed forty-three times," I repeat.

"So... that means... you're in pain?"

"Oh gods no!" I picked up the small dagger that laid next to me and stared at it. "Like, if some one named a knife 'Boredom' and stabbed me with it forty-three times, thats what I feel like."

"So, you're bored?"


"Then why didn't you just say you were bored, like a normal person?"

"A) We both know I'm not normal, for many different reasons. B) What fun would that be?"

Brace rolled her eyes and continued whatever she was doing.

"I'm going to find Nico," I say as I stand up. I walk out the training room door without waiting for Brace to answer. I don't walk far before I see Nico talking to Percy. Not wanting to be boring I ran and jumped on Nico's back. Percy laughed as Nico tried to regain his balance.

"Hi, Elena," he greeted after he finished laughing.

"Hello, Perseus! If you don't mind I'm going to borrow Nico for a little," I grin as I get off of Nico.

"You're not even going to ask me?" Nico asks.

"No, why would I do that?" I grab his hand and run towards a random direction. "Bye, Percy!" I call behind me.

"Where are we going?" Nico asks.

I skidded to a stop when I realized that I didn't know. I saw a sign for the stairs and got an idea.

"This way! I hope you're ready for a lot of stairs!"

We are both out of breath by the time we reach the top floor.

"Almost there," I pant as I lead him to one of the doors. I open it and walk over to the old record player near the single bed. I turn it on and old twenties music starts to play. I turn my head and smile at Nico, who looks a bit confused.

"This is where I go when I want to think or something. I thought I would show you it. It's one of the few places where the windows aren't covered and I can just lay here and feel the sun."

I sit on the edge of the bed and Nico sits next to me.

I turn my head my look at Nico. "I'm sorry about Will the other day."

"It's fine."

"Yeah, but he interrupted something."

"Yeah, he did," Nico rubbed the back of his neck and blushes slightly. I let out a sigh. With out a second thought I close the gap between us by pressing my lips to his. After a moment of hesitaion he kisses me back. This time no one interrupted us.


I run down the hall as fast as I can. I slide a little as I swing into the training room. I spot Brace and run towards where she was talking to Brason.

"Brace, Brace, Brace, Barce!" I say as I tug on her sleve. She contenues to talk to Gracson, "Brace, Brace, Brace, I need to talk to you! Brace, Brace, Brace! Brace, Brace, Brace! Barce, Brace, Brace!"

"WHAT?" she finally yells.

"Finally, I need to talk to you!"

"I'm talking to Mason right now."

"I don't care, you can flirt later! Come on!" I pull her out of the room by the arm.

"What did you want?" She asks once we get in the hall.

Quickly I whisper all the events that had happened just thirty minutes earlier.

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