Chapter 6: Old Record Players and Moody Teen Boys

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Elena's POV

"I know there's something in the wake of your smile,
I get a notion from the look in your eyes, yea,
You've built a love but that love falls apart
Your little piece of heven turns too dark..."

'Listen to Your Heart' by DHT

I layed in one of the smaller rooms on the top floor, half asleep and half awake. It was one of the only rooms where the windows weren't bolted shut and sun light streamed through the drapes and onto the bed. So that's where I laid when I had free time, my eyes closed, soaking up the sun, and an old twenties record plays in the back ground.

It's been two weeks since Brace and I had arrived. Brace had told me about the whole maple syrup thing. I just laughed and she gave me that look that's says 'shut up, I'm mad.'

Training is going well, I'm getting to know my siblings better by the day. For the first time in forever I have real friends.

I heard a light knock on the door and I hummed a response. The door creaked open, but I keep my eyes closed. I hear footsteps and then a light shake on my shoulder.

My eyes flicker open and meet gray. Larson, or whatever his name is, leaned over me, his gray eyes looking bored.

"What do you want, Larson?"

"It's Mason," he corrects, slightly annoyed.


"Anyway, Percy and the others told me come find you and Brace, she was easier to find then you."

"Well, I, as you can see, am busy. Come back in an hour," I say, closing my eyes again. My eyes pop back open when I hear my reacord player turn off.

"Hey!" I yell and sit back up. I look over to see Carson standing next to the old record player.

"Come on, we have to go to a meeting on the eighth floor, hurry up!" with that he walked out of the room. I let out a sigh and ran to catch up with him.

"You're a really moody teen, you know that, right?"


I spun in my spinning chair in the conference room.

"Please sit still for a moment, Elena," Will called. I stopped at once, which meant I was facing a wall.

"Elena," he started again.

"We gotta go, if there's a time to put our plan in action, we gotta do it now."

I jolted awake when I heard these words. I looked around my eyes wide and full of confusion. I realized that all the lights had been turned on and everyone was huddled in a big group at the door. It was Annabeth's voice that had woken me up.

I jumped off my cot and ran to the group. I began to push through the group, who had began shouting questions at the blond.

"Excuse me, one of the prophecy chicks, trying to get through here," I say as I push people out of the way.

When I finally reached the front I found myself with Nason and Brace on one side of me and that Frank dude and Jake. Jake was the only one to look over at me, his eyes were full of fear and worry. I made a face at him, trying to change the fear to a bit of laughter. He only gave a small smile at my attempts and I shrug. It was worth the try.

"EVERYONE SHUT IT!" I finally hear Percy yell from next to Annabeth.

 "Thanks, Seaweed Brain," the blonde smiled at her boyfriend before turning back to the crowed

"What? I stopped, I'm still, what more could you want?" I grin, knowing I'm annoying him.

Me chair is turned to face the table and I look up to see Nico pushing my chair closer to the table.

"How about you actually facing the table," he says. I watch as he takes his seat on my right and turnes his attention to Percy.

"Well, now that everyone is paying attention, we have a few things to discuss," as he speaks I look around the room and notice that all the head of cabins are here along with the Roman leaders and the remainder of the seven. "We think it's time that we tell Brace and Elena about the phrophecy."

I look over at Brace, who's sitting on my left, her steely gray eyes where glued on Percy. It's obvious she's interested. I looked back at him. Percy let out a sigh and looked around before speaking,

"Children of the broken oath,
Will fight the last battle.
Joined with son of the earth shaker,
The world will rattle.
And for the cause,
The mind must fall.
Family must come together,
To bring death or breath to all."

I stare at him. He looks at both me and Brace, waiting for a response. For the first time I didn't know what to say.

"Um, well,-How are you sure that's about us?" I manage.

"It says children of the broken oath, you two weren't clamed before now, so that's breaking the oath I made with the gods... so yeah."

"But what does it mean?" Brace asks.

"Well..." Percy rubs the back of his neck and glances at Annabeth.

"We know belive that 'fight in the last battle means that this war, this fight, will be the last. Joined with the son of the earth shaker must be refering to Percy, being the son of Poseiden. we are still think over the rest but the last line is pretty obvious, to bring death or breath to all."

I blink a couple of time, "You mean, peoples' lives depend on us?"


I didn't say anything.

"Alright, there is one more thing. Brace, you and Elena need to go vist your families."

"What?" we ask in uison.

"Well, I'm sure that your parents have been wondering where you've been for the past few weeks, so yeah. You'll can't tell them much, like your location or anything, just tell them goodbye, that you won't be coming home for a while or whatever you want. You could also grab anything that you could use or something. It could also be something you could share, since we're running low on supplies. Also Mason, you'll be going with Brace, and Nico with Elena."

I look over at Nico and he looks at me. I raise an eyebrow and he shrugs.

"Why does it have to be Mason? Can't it be, like, Frank or somebody?" Brace pleaded.

"Um, no. Mason's your trainer, you guys need a chance to get to know each other better. So... yeah. You guys leave in a few hours. That's it."

People bagan to leave, but I stay in my seat, as did Nico. "So, um, I get to see where you live," he says akwardly.

"Yeah. Um, well, I'm just going to say it now, I'm sorry. My Mom's- well, you'll see," I give a small smile.

"Can't wait."


We walk down the side walk, passing big houses, with nice yards, and all thoughs nice things.

"Are you sure you live on this street?" Nico asks from behind me.

"For the tenth time, I'm pretty sure I know what street I live on, Nico. Why do you keep asking?" I shove my fist into my hoodie pockets.

"Because this really doesn't look like somewhere you would live."


"No, I didn't mean it like that!"

"I know what you mean, Nico."

I stopped infront of a large gate and looked through to the large house on the other side. Nico comes and stands next to me. I glance over at him and give him a small smile.

"Let's do this."

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