Chapter 21: DADDY!-Wait what?

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Let's start a riot tonight
A pack of lions tonight
In this world, he who stops, won't get anything he wants

Gavin DeGraw - Fire

Elena's POV:

As my eyes blink open they're greeted by bright light. I groan and shield the light with hand. Opening my eyes once more, I turn head and see... wheat? I push myself up right and look at my surroundings.

I'm in what looks like a regular wheat field, but when I look up I see that it's not. The sky is filled with stars but the sun still shining brightly (and in my eyes, might I add). The field is surround by a circle of trees.

I stand up and brush myself off, and notice that I'm not wearing my clothes. Instead of my camp tee, my boots and ripped jeans I'm wearing a dark gray shirt, jean shorts, and I'm barefoot. I let out a sigh and look around once more. I begin walking in a random direction.

"I hate not knowing where I am, I makes me feel so useless!" I mutter and throw my hands up in the air. As I begin steping over a small creak a voice sounds behind me.

"Well, maybe you should ask for directions?" The voice startles me and causes me to fall back into the creak.

"Ow! What in Hades name-" I cut myself off as I look at the stranger. He's tall, with sandy hair, a bright (but incredably cocky) smile, and blue eyes. I stand up and look at the stranger.

"Who in Hades name are you?"

"I would appreaciate it if you don't meantion my uncle's name any more than you already have," the stranger said, still smiling.

"Your... Uncle? So you're a god?"

"Yep! Bet you can guess which one?" He said with a cocky tone.

"I don't know, pretty boy? Aphrodite, maybe?" I say, putting my hands on my hips and gave a small smirk.

He chuckeled, "Wow, same sarcasm as your Mother."

My smirk fell, "How do you know my Mom?"

"Well the Father tends to know the Mother," he smirks at me.

My jaw drops, and I try to respond but I can't. I finally find my voice all I can say is "Ap-Apollo?"

"The one and only," he smiles and rases his arms like he expects me to give him a hug.

"I-I-no. What am I doing here and what are yo doing here? Aren't you supost to be a slave to Gaea or something?!" I half shout.

"Oh, right. Almost forgot that I have a time limit," he half laughed before his smile fell. He looked me in the eyes and rubed the back of his neck. "Um, I guess there's no easy way to say this to your daughter, whom you've only just meet but, um, Elena, you-uh-you-"

"Just spit it out already! I what?"

"You died," he finally said.

The color drained from my face and the memories of the last hour or so of my life came back to me. I died, the words replay in my head. I cover my mouth with my hand. Apollo reaches out for me but I turn away.

My hand falls to my side and I look down at the ground. "You still haven't answered my other questions. Where am I and why- how are you here?" I ask, still not look at him.

"Um, since the underworld has been taken over by Geae's goons, Hades made sure that your soul ended up here."

"Where or what is 'here?'" I ask, still not looking at him.

"Not sure. I was only given basic information, this place is older than the gods themselves. As for how and why I'm here, I know more about that. The gods have always been able to comunicate with our children through dreams, this is like that but with, uh, a few differences." He's referring to the fact that I'm dead, I think to myself.

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