All is fair in music and... illness?

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Finally being in town, she walked to where she was going to set up, did, and turned on her amp. She started playing a small song she had wrote for her band named "Merry Go Round". It was her favorite song of theirs. People watched, and put money into her case, and complimented her. Her fingers moved quickly for chord changes as she sang.

" Everything I do seems to turn right back at me,

Stuck in a never ending circle of hell.

Karmas on her way, got a plan staged out for me,

she makes her way like a Merry Go Round."

Adelaide played many songs, but during the second to last song, "Marvel", the most intense song to play, her hands and fingers cramped to a point where they couldnt move. "no.. No... NO!" She thought to herself. Her doctor told her just a little ways back that there is a strong chance she could develope Carpal Tunnel syndrome, and this could be it. She collected her things, her wrist and palm in pain, and drove home. Luckily, her mom was there. She told her, and she made a doctor appointment for the next day. Saturday.

"If I have carpal tunnel... I cant play guitar for our gig next week!"

Adelaide was in panic. She paced, sweat, whined, and cried, all up until the appointment. She walked up to the hospital, and waited impatiently in the waiting room. When they called her, she briskly walked to the room. The doctor investigated her elbows and wrists, checking reflexes, seeing if there was nerve damage, and seeing if she had Carpal Tunnel.

"Miss Chance, Im afraid I dont have the best of news. You do in fact have carpal tunnel, but if you wear this wrist supporter for the next two weeks, and take it easy, you might be ok."

Her hopes were crushed. Her gig was next week.

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