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        Adelaides birthday was in a day now. She hadnt moved her arms. Her house was weary, and at night she only focused on the creaking sound of the worn wooden floor. Misfits footsteps caused her to awaken at the randomest times during the night. She wasnt that tired, so she got up and walked to the living room. She leaned against the wall and her wool sweater was collecting all the dust there was. "My Birthday is tomorrow.. and Im not supposed to move my arms.." She thought to herself, plummeting down onto the couch. She closed her eyes, becoming overwhelmed and exhausted by the thought. 

At least Ill be 16.

        She woke up on the beaten cushion of her couch, and swept all her stray hairs out of her face. "My birthday is today. My sixteenth birthday. She looked behind her. In the kitchen using her old, little blue stove, was Megan and Adelaides mom. "GO AWAY WERE MAKING YOUR CAKE." Megan yelled. "Jeez ok ok! Ill just watch some t.v." "OK BUT DONT LOOK OVER HERE" Megan made quite clear in her rising level of volume. Adelaide lifted her foot and turned on the t.v with her toe. SpongeBob. 

Its always SpongeBob. 

        There she sat for one hour on that uncomfortable couch, watching SpongeBob, while they made her cake. "ITS DONE AHA YES" Megan danced around, frosting on her fingers, but pride in her eyes. Her dark hair flopped around while she danced, it was covered in frosting in splotches too. "You're ready to celebrate!" Adelaides mother said cheerfully. Adelaide turned behind her to see a beautiful cake. "You guys really outdid yourselves! You didnt have to do all this." She said, fiddling with the flower on the coffee table by the couch. "Theres more, Adelaide!" Her mom yipped with a small jump. Then she walked out of the room, only to return with a large present in a matter of seconds.

        "Woah! Its heavy!" Adelaide said with a smile. She unwrapped it to find a gorgeous red and black electric guitar. "Mom!" Adelaide reached over and hugged her mom. "Thank you so so so much." She repeated. "Theres more Adelaide." Megan said, while bringing out a pile of presents, that were wrapped in a crimson red, with little black details. All of those presents turned out to be clothing, each piece she loved. After that they lit the candles to the cake and sang, and then dug into the delicious treat.

"Happy Birthday!"

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