It All Came Rushing Back. (End of Down Beat, there may be a sequel)

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        As Adelaide walked into the living room, she saw Misfit for her first time since being home, and she didnt know how to respond. "Do I like dogs, mom?" "You love them! Espiecially this one." Adelaide walked up to Misfit and pet his furry head. "Hey Boy! Hey!"  She said and then kissed his nose. He galloped out of the room. "I got him when I was around nine or eight, right?" She asked. "Yes you did." Her mom answered. "Seems like small things are coming back. Thats good" 

        Adelaide walked outside. Only to be hit on the head right on the temple by a ball that Misfit was playing with. "Ow Misfit! That hurt! Ill get you with my song "Marvel" for that one!" She scolded. "Wait!" Her mom yelled. "Amnesia Adelaide didnt remember her band! Or her songs!" She smiled. "Where is my amp and guitar anyways. I missed my gig a few days ago.. and my car?" She asked. "ADELAIDE! YOURE BACK!" Her mom hugged her. "A few days ago you were in an accident, and you had amnesia! Now youre back!" she hugged her again. "Oh! Thats great!" Adelaide smiled. "But im gonna go walk Misfit." 

        She hooked the dog onto his rope leash, and walked out to the meadow. "Misfit, Im glad Im back. I wouldnt have lived without remembering you, you little furball." Misfit stopped to attack a flower, and Adelaide laughed and watched along. "The sunset is beautiful dont you think?" Misfit snorted. "I love you little dude." He galloped and ran. "But sometimes you gotta remember that the fun stuff isnt the bad stuff!" 

(This is the ending to the story "Down Beat" and Im thinking I may make a sequel later on. It was a good first story. Thanks for reading. <3) 

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