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"You can do this, finish it with a strong ending.."

He watched his reflection within the mirror, his body rolling and moving against the rhythm of the music bouncing off the walls of the studio.

He didn't bother paying attention to the sweat dripping from his hair, nor his lungs begging for air as he pushed himself to the end of the routine.

Finishing, he neared the end, the last step to completing the routine. The move he couldn't seem to quite get down.

With the kick of his feet whilst jumping, the excruciating pain cursing from his knee was enough to send the boy tumbling to the floor, the male hissing as his body clashed with the hard wooden floor.

"Mother FUCKER!" he shouted, rolling over to lay on his back before reluctantly punching the floor. He closed his eyes, his breathing heavy as his hand rested against his sweat-soaked forehead.

"Mr. Jung, you've really got to watch that knee-" a sudden voice emerged, lightly bouncing across the walls, "it won't heal if you dont rest it."

The male sighed, sitting up and smiling sweetly at the sudden appearance of the woman.

"I can't afford to fuck this up, it's the last damn opportunity I have." he replied pointedly, watching the other slip through the door with a clipboard clutched in her hand. He glared at the papers, peering at the writing he tried so hard to read from afar.

"What's that?" he asked curiously, pointing at the small stack of paper.

"Ah," the woman smiled, walking over to help the other off the floor before handing him the thin sheets, "these are the official chosen participants for spring practice."

The boys eyes lit up, a smile creeping onto his lips as he scanned through the papers, in search of the split-group lists.

"Lets see.." he mumbled, "regular, special, advanced.." he flipped through the pages, a persistant glint in his eyes.

He bit his lip eagerly, his eyes lighting up as he found the page he'd searched for.

"Ahh.." he looked up, his eyes filled with excitement as he peered at the other, and back down, "premium."

His teeth sunk into his lip as he snatched the page, his eyes scanning the participants across the p-


His eyes read over the page a second time, confirming that there had, in fact, been only one premium sign up this season.

"But.." he mumbled, setting down the single paper and instead picking up the whole stack, "this has to be a mistake, o-or maybe a typo!" The male was in panic mode, frantically searching through the papers as if more premium sign up sheets would appear.

"S-sir, calm do-" She was cut off by the others sudden pacing, the said male already having set down the stack. His head was placed in his hands, a panicked look spread across his face.

"Keori, it can't be one-"

"But s-"

"I COULD LOSE MY DAMN CAREER!" He snapped, turning to face the shocked woman. He hadn't noticed how crazy he looked, veins popping from his neck and arms. His eyes were the size of saucers, sweat drying across the tips of his jet black locks. His breathing was heavy, his heart racing as he didn't move the slightest.

"U-uh,," the woman finally spoke, "maybe we should take you to re-"


The two were interrupted by the sudden swing of the studio door, opening to reveal a smiling, radiant blonde.

After peering inside for a few moments, the boy cleared his throat as the two just stared at him, confusion written across their faces.

"I, uh.." he gulped nervously, "Is this the right room for the Premium class with..um-" he blushed in embarrassment as he looked down, peering at the name written across the small slip of paper, "...Jung Hoseok?"

The black haired male smiled, releasing a breath of relief he didnt know he was holding. He straightened his back, finally managing to wipe the sweat from his forehead.

"Yes, yeah! Come in!" he smiled, his tiny dimples poking through his honey skin.

The tall blonde reluctantly stepped forward, closing the door behind him as he extended his hand for the other to take.

"My name's Ta- uh, Kim Taehyung.." he mumbled, bowing slightly whilst smiling as the other took his hand in his own, shaking it firmly.

"So nice to meet you, Kim Taehyung."

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