05 (rewritten)

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The boy shifted uncomfortably in his chair, the table covered in a blanket of awkward silence. Jaeun grew worried at the olders sudden quiet nature, peering at him from across the table, who was poking at and playing with his food but seeming to refuse to eat it. After moments passed, the girl finally grew impatient, startling Taehyung when she finally spoke in a firm, unbreakable voice.

"What's wrong" she demanded, not a hint of indications in her tone that it was a question. The older glanced up, his eyes meeting hers as she stared him down. He gulped, her intimidating stare sending waves of shivers across his body.

"N-nothing," he replied, peering back down while cursing under his breath for the nervous stature in his tone. Taehyung was unable to meet her gaze again, keeping his eyes fixated on the light wooden table, Jaeun immediately shaking her head with a suspicious glint in her gaze.


Taehyung was immediately taken back by her language, his eyes flickering up with his mouth agape. "W-what?"

"You heard me," she scowled, not failing to catch the confused expression across her boyfriends face.

The boy felt like melting, Jaeuns intense stare piercing right through his heart. A deep sigh emitted from the girl, Taehyung spotting a bit of annoyance within her tone as he sunk into his diningroom chair. "Im fine."

She huffed. "Somethings on your mind, Taehyu-" "so?? I dont need to tell you what Im thinking every damn second!" Taehyung snapped, immediately regretting his decision as he peered up at her, whose face was struck with a pained expression. "What the hell is your problem??" She questioned, her face quickly growing angry when Taehyung made a small "pfft" sound, crossing his arms and looking away.

"Im serious!" she half-shouted, her eyes wide and filled with confusion and fury. "Im trying to make sure you're alright and you're just pushing it aside like its nothing-!"

The male scowled, though he knew she was right. "Whatever" he mumbled airily, though Jaeun didn't fail to hear it.

"As a matter of fact, you always do that!" She continued, throwing her arms up in frustration. "Whenever I try to help you, you completely ignore the fact that Im giving my time to make you feel better!"

The words hurt Taehyung, though he refused to show emotion as he continued to stare off into the distance. When she didn't recieve a reaction, Jaeun quickly grew annoyed as flames of anger burned inside her eyes. "You act so tough, like you don't have struggles or problems!" The girl refused to back down from the problem, leaning forward in her chair. "News flash, like just isnt like that Taehyung!"

"Maybe I don't want help!" Taehyung shouted suddenly, his hands shaking with fury as his loud voice boomed throughout the walls of the unnecessarily large house. "Maybe I don't want to be a depressed shit like everybody else in this damn world is!" He stood, towering above the table as he glared at the towering girl. "Maybe I dont want to end up like Baekji!"

The hurt that washed across Jaeuns face was enough to for Taehyungs heart to break, her mouth agape and her face red as she teared up. "W-why would you say that-?" she mumbled. As Taehyungs ears caught up with his mouth, his eyes widened, a dark shade of red painting his cheeks. He breathed in deeply, preparing for anything that was coming his way. "Jaeun..-"

She immediately shook her head, peering down before muttering a quick, "its fine" before standing, ignoring the pleas from the older as she made her way to the bedroom, unbothered to change whilst climbing in bed and closing her eyes.

Taehyung stood alone in the livingroom, his breathing heavy and his palms sweaty. He didn't fail to mentally curse himself, gripping fistfuls of his own hair out of anger at himself. "Fucking idiot" he muttered, making his way down the hallway and to the bedroom.

"Jaeun.." he whispered, reaching the bedroom door and cracking it open. "Baby.."

The girl was curled in the sheets, clutching her pillow and digging her face into the soft cusion. The boys eyes welled as small sniffles echoed in his ears, Taehyung approaching the bed and climbing on. Jaeun didn't bother budging the slightest as the other caused an indent in the bed, her eyes screwed shut. With a deep sigh he laid next to the girl, his front pressed against her in a huddle as his arm curled around her shoulder, the boy placing a soft kiss on her arm and gently running his fingers through her hair.

"I'm sorry baby.." He mumbled, resting his cheek on her shoulder and holding her close as the two drifted to sleep.


"I know what you're doing Hoseok, and from the looks of it he's not going to have a pretty fall."

Hoseok huffed at the sudden comment, his breath misting against the cold air. He crossed his arms, pointing at the other. "Listen here, buddy." he spat, "if he's not as good as he's hyped up to be, I'll be the one taking the damn fall."

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