06 (rewritten)

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His chocolate eyes opened to reveal an empty bed, the boy lying face down as he gripped his pillow. ".....Jaeun..?" he whispered, glancing at the clock through droopy eyes.


A loud yawn slipped his lips as he glanced around the room in hopes of finding the girl. "....Jaeun..." he called again quietly, slowly awaking. After no response, he sighed, sitting up and rubbing off the crust from around his eyes. He peered around the dark room, shadows consuming his sight whilst he slowly adjusted to the dark atmosphere. "....Jaeun~..." he called out again, sighing as he, again, received  no response.

Eventually he made up his mind to just search for the girl, slipping off the bed and scrunching his face as his feet clashed with the cold hardwood. He made his way to the door, opening it and peaking out, tilting his head when he found the kitchen light on. The boy lazily made his way out of the room, shuffling toward the kitchen and rubbing his eyes.

"Baby,," he mumbled, reaching the kitchen and smiling when he found the girl seated at the table.

"Taehyungie!" she exclaimed when she saw the older, "...did I wake you?"

The older immediately shook his head, looking up to match Jaeuns gaze. When doing so, his eyes caught a glimpse of the meal, an array of various cooked chicken. "....Jaeun.." he mumbled, rubbing the back of his head nervously, "..why are you having chicken at four in the morning?"

She let her fork pick at the chicken as she answered, shrugging. "I was hungry," she stated, letting her fork drop as she scrunched her face, "..but now I just feel sick." she finished, peering up at the older.

Taehyung wore a pitying expression, the dim lighting shadowing his features. He smiled sweetly, holding his arms out for the younger. "c'mere~" he exclaimed as the girl giggled, lazily shuffling over to the older and jumping, wrapping her legs around his waist whilst Taehyung held her up by her thighs. "..lets get you back to bed."

Jaeun smiled as she let her head rest on his shoulder, closing her eyes and drifting away as the older carried her back to bed.

He huffed as he gently kicked open the door, placing the small girl onto the soft cushions of the bed before climbing in after her. He smiled before scooping her frail body, pulling her against him and holding her close.

"...i love you, Nam Jaeun." he whispered, using his finger to lighly brush her hair away from her face and tuck it behind her ear.

"I couldn't ask for a better partner than you to have beside me." he continued, placing a soft kiss on her cheek, "...this will be over soon, and I'll be able to fix everything...-" he smiled sympathetically, leaning down and snuggling his nose into the soft locks of her raven hair laying gently across her neck.

"I promise."

Hoseoks sadistic grin grew as his small frame was shoved against the cold wall, the others large body keeping his firmly in place.

"I don't give a shit if it kills him, you'd better train that boy so damn hard he'll be begging you for a break." The man exclaimed, harshly poking at Hoseoks chest as his other arm held the youngers body firmly against the bricks. "Don't make me regret this, kid." he finished, his glare peering into the others eyes as Hoseok simply shrugged. "Mhm." was all he replied with, his hands reaching up to force himself out of the mans hold. "I'm serious." The man spat, towering over Hoseok, his deadly stare never wavering from the others eyes. Hoseok simply nodded, nonchalantly peering at his nails as he smiled innocently at the man, leaning off the cold wall of the nearest building.

"Gotcha" was all he replied with, not bothering to look back as he walked off into the dark abyss of the nightly shadows.

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