Chapter Four

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The problem is

I don't want to lose you.

But it seems you want to.


I need hands,

hands to throw my sorrows in,

hands to hold me in the dark,

hands that catch me whenever I am falling.


Do not confuse longing with lust,

because it is painful afterwards.

-believe me.

I want to hear my name with your voice.

It tells me so much about you.

-secret of voices.

I like the way I get lost in your eyes.

It is like living in another world, feeling other feelings.

Being someone I want me to be.

-what you do to me.

I don't cry because you hurt me.

I cry, because I hurt myself.

-and that's not okay.

I want to see the small change in your smile,

when your eyes wander over me.

-all about you.

Growing up is hard.

But I have the best company I could ever wish for.


"Childish" is a beautiful word.

-you never grow old.

When did alcohol and razor blades become our medicine?

-how broken is our youth?

I don't want to just see other places.

I want to feel them as well.


I want to bath in good memories and thrilling adventures.

-when I am older.

Another sip of alcohol,

another tear of realization.

-where are you?

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