The Cullens

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                          Ugh. Stupid alarm.  I felt Jake move to shut the alarm off. "Come on, Bells. You have to go to school."

                           "Nnnooo. I want to stay here with you.." I moved closer to him, refusing to move. Suddenly the bed disappear from under me, and Jake was holding me bridal-style.

                            "You know I would like that, too. But Charlie only let you stay the night if I drive you to school, now go get dressed, beautiful." He set me down, and left me to get dressed. I peeled out of yesterday's clothes and put on my clothes for the day. I left his room and went outside to see him against his red truck. He moved around and opened my door for me.

                              "Thanks." The drive took a few minutes, then we were at Forks High. 

                               "Remember if you need ANYTHING call me. I'll pick you up after school."

                               "Ok. Bye." I kissed his lips. And he returned it, said bye, and sadly left. I then left to my first class of the morning, English. I didn't care for it myself. 

                                The day pasted quickly, it was now lunch time. I sat with my friend Jessica. When 5 students came in the cafeteria. They were all beautiful, but not as beautiful as my Jake.

                                "Who are they?" I asked knowing Jessica would know.

                                 "Oh. They're the Cullens. They just moved here. Dr.Cullen, Mrs.Cullen, and they're foster kids: Rosalie is the girl with blonde hair, Emmett is the big dark-haired guy, Alice is the little dark-haired girl, Jasper is the blonde who looks like he's in pain, and Edward is totally gorgeous, obvious. But apparently, no one here is good enough for him. Like I care." When I heard her say that last sentence, I knew she cared. In fact, she sounded desperate.

                                   "Whatever." I said. Hoping that I didn't heard about her saying she didn't care, thankfully I didn't. For the rest of lunch I could feel eyes staring at me but I just shook it off. The bell rang, off to Biology.

                                   I walked in the class and sat at my seat. Edward Culled came in. Great and I have the only avalible seat. He came and sat down next to me, class had began. I could feel his staring at me. Could this guy get even more creepy? Finally the bella rang, and school was over for the day. 

                                     I walked out and saw Jake leaning against his car. I walked over to him gave him a peck on the lips and hugged him.

                                     "How was your day?" He asked.

                                      "Good. There are new students at Forks."

                                      "Oh, really?"

                                      "Yeah, the Cullens." When I said this, I immediately felt him tense. 

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