Cliff Diving

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I woke up the next day to find my Jake out of sight. Where is he? I then looked around to see a note on his dresser with my name on it. I got up, and opened it to see what it said. It read:


I have gone out to have a conversation with the pack. I’ll hurry back as soon as it’s over. I won’t be gone long, I promise.

Love you,


I then left his room to have something for breakfast. I grabbed an apple and just had that. I glanced at the clock on the wall, 10:30 a.m. I must have been really tired to have been out for that long.

I wonder what Jake is going to do to the leeches. He’ll probably do something extreme. I waited for a while longer, and then finally Jake came back.

“I missed you, Bells.” He came over and picked me up from the couch, from where I was sitting and held me tight to him. “No one will ever take you away from me again.”

“I missed you, too.” We sat down together and stayed like that for a while. Up until Billy came inside with Charlie.

“Hey Bells, I feel like I never get to see you again.” Poor Charlie, never really gets to see his own daughter anymore.

“I’m sorry, Dad. I promise I’ll visit more often.” Then, Billy decided to say something.

“Hey, Jake. Are you going to take Bella to the beach today?”

“Yeah I was just gonna get ready to take her down.” Awe, he so sweet taking me to the beach.

 “See you kids later.” They both said, right as we opened the front door.

“See ya.”  We drove down in the red truck to First Beach. Jake led me out of the truck to walk over the beach. We lay down together, and enjoyed the gentle breeze.



“Do you want to try cliff diving?”

“I’d love to!” I always did want to try cliff diving before.

“Come on, I’ll show you how to do it.”

He grabbed my hand and took me to the top of the cliffs. He told me what to do, and I felt extremely confident of myself. I was ready to cliff dive.

“Are you ready, Bella?”

“Yeah!” I pecked Jake on the lips and backed up, and then starting running. Finally, I jumped from off the cliff edge. I could vaguely hear Jake’s clapping. I held my breath, preparing for the water. I made it under, and began to swim back up.

Before I could make it to the top, I saw red hair in the distance while still underwater. I began to freak out, and couldn’t hold my breath any longer. I closed my eyes, and the dark consumed me.

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