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Oh, I am SOOOOOOO excited! Taskcraft might be coming round today, and I can't wait! Will I get in? I hope so!

 Wait. Let me explain.

Taskcraft is a server on Minecraft, with tons of Youtubers joining! I (and probably the Youtubers themselves) have no idea what's in store and when I see all those Youtubers, I am definitely gonna fangirl.

Or well...fanboy.

I am Lukas Longshot, a young adult gamer.  I adore gaming and Youtube-when I watch it, I'll always look to pick up some strategies tips. I have a few gaming consoles- and tons of games!

Appearance wise... I have blond spiky hair, medium build-I'm 5'9- and I usually wear a blue t-shirt with black jeans and brown shoes.. I live in the UK, specifically Guildford. 

"Lukas, what are you doing? Did you finally find an actually interesting game perhaps?"

Woah...that startled me. 

"Nope. Nada."

You see, my twin sister Lucy Longshot was never very fond of games. In fact, what she loves the most is books. All genre's -as long as their fiction(yes, even manga!)- She goes to Waterstones at least once every week. Our house is full of them.

"Still waiting for that Taskcraft invite, huh?" she asks.

"How did you guess?" I roll my eyes. She chuckles and comes to sit down on our bed, next to me. 

"Apparently, they are in Guildford! Isn't that exciting!"

Oh wow, she actually keeps track of these things. Never would have thought.

"And yes, I do sometimes listen to the radio."

"You are psychic, Lucy."

I smile at her. Lucy has that effect on people.

I can hear the noise of a car parking outside, so I look to the window.

"Could be my next book delivery-or Taskcraft!"

She grabs my hand and we head down.

"You really think I'll get in?"

"Of course!"


I rush to open the door, Lucy close behind me. It opens with a sickening creak.

"Hello?" I ask.

"Hello." says an authoritative looking man with a black suit and sunglasses. Oh, he also has gelled hair. "Are you Lukas Robert Longshot?"

"Yes sir." I reply cautiously.

"Well, congrats mister, you are the second luckster for Taskcraft!"

What? I can't process this.

"No way...really?" I get out.



I actually did it! I got in! I look to Lucy for approval, who's beaming too. 

"Told you!"

I turn back to the man.

"Thank you. So, so much."

"No problem! Now, hop on board! We have transport!"

Oh-kay, this just got weird. Firstly, I have no luggage. Secondly...


On the conditions, it says we get the IP. This is strange. Is this a scam?

Lucy must have thought along the same lines.

"Um...what about luggage?" she asks.

"You won't need any of that. Now, come along, Lukas!" he replies with a mysterious smile.

He takes me to this black massive limo and shoves me inside, shutting the door.

"HAVE FUN LUKAS!" shouts Lucy, just loud enough for me to hear.  I wave. 

"YOU TOOO SISSSS!" I call out as the limo leaves.

In the limo, the windows are blacked out and there is no way I can see the drivers.

It's as if...

It's as if I'm being kidnapped.


Okay, time to play a hunch.

"Sorry!" I shout through the mouth piece thingy. "But I have some questions..."

"Of course!" says that strange man.

"Okay, I'll do a list. One, where is the other Luckster?"

"They live in a different country."

"Two, Why are the windows blacked out?"

"So it is a surprise!" Yeah right, not like I know where we are going.

"Finally, how long will this trip to Taskcraft take?"

"It will take a day, so go to sleep, you want to get as much rest as you can for Taskcraft!"

I hear a gas seeping in. I hear it well and I soon realise what it is...

Sleeping gas.

I try not to inhale it, but i do and black out.


I wake up with two people by my side, the man who got me and a female version of him.

"Oh, you are awake? Well, time to join Taskcraft!" they say, creepily synchronized. 

Then, they push me into another cabinet, which is really hi-tech. Then, I see a headset, which it tells me to put it on.

A VR headset? Cool!

Without a second thought, I put it on.

And as I put them on, I see electricity in front of my eyes, feel it in my head and everything fizzes out.


A/N HELLO and welcome to Taskcraft! I hope to have some plans out and will hopefully get the next chapter up soon! See ya, Bye! -Kat (Words: 784.)

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