Talks and tears

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We get off the plane and drive straight to our hotel. After a nine hour flight no one  has any energy left and everyone is just happy to be in a hotel again. As we walk off the plane and go take our suitcases I notice that something is wrong. Something I noticed even on the flight, but I didn't quite think that it was something serious. But Platz and Dan seem to kind of avoid each other.

We enter the hotel and walk up to the receptionist, then we get our room keys and take the elevator, which gets us to the third floor. Wayne and Dan got rooms at the beginning of the hall and Platz and me at the end. As soon as we are alone, I can't hold it anymore, I turn to Platz and ask: "Is everything okay between Dan and you? You seem to avoid each other."

Platz stares at me, looking caught. He sighs and answers: "Yeah, no, I don't know. Dan had a nightmare and I woke him up and then he told me that it was about his father and when I asked him why he dreamed about that, he got really upset. Which I can understand, I mean it was a pretty stupid question, but..." he doesn't finish his sentence and sighs.

Nevertheless, something about Platz tells me that it's not the whole truth. "Bud you know that you can tell me everything so what's up?" He looks me in the eyes and thinks for a moment. I can see him fighting with himself as he bites down at his lip and breaks eye contact.

After a few seconds he sighs again. "I don't know, but I have  a feeling that something is wrong with Dan." I raise my eyebrows. "What?" Platz asks. I shrug my shoulders. "Well, you know he's been acting a bit...strange. He kind of seems exhausted all the time."

Platz nods. "Yeah. He always leaves for his room as the last one, but is back as the first one."  "Well, that's not what I noticed." Platz just looks at me and waits for me to continue. "He gets lost in his thoughts pretty fast. I had to adress him several times before he reacted and, I don't know, but he seems like something is bothering him." Platz just nods again.

"Maybe we should talk to him." I suggest. "Yeah, shall we talk to Wayne first?" "Sure, lets bring our suitcases in our rooms and then head straight to Wayne." I turn around and unlock my door, Platz does the same behind me. We don't even enter our rooms, but shove our things inside then we walk up to Waynes door.

"Hopefully Dan doesn't hear us." Platz whispers and I nod while I knock at Waynes door. "Come in." is the answer. I shoot Platz a confused look and he just shrugs his shoulders. So we enter the room. Wayne is sitting on his back, looks at us and says: "I've been waiting for you to come. I suppose it's about Dan?"

Platz and I exchange looks again and nod slowly. "How did you..?" I start, but Wayne says: "I've known you for years now. I know when something is going on." I simply nod and Platz says: "It seems like he isn't sleeping very well and he gets lost in his thoughts really fast." Wayne nods.

"Yeah, and he also gets mad pretty fast." "We should talk to him." I state and Platz nods but Wayne shakes his head. "Do you think that's such a good idea? I mean he will think that we ally on him again. You know that he feels like we let him out pretty fast. As if we team up on him." "But what should we...." I can't finish my sentence because there is a knock on the door.

„Come in" Wayne shouts as if he knows who is standing outside that door. Well, I think I know who it is too. And really, as the door opens I recognize Dan standing in the hall. He looks at me and his eyes widen a bit as he looks between Platz and me, clearly confused what we are doing here.

Wayne pats the bed. „Sit down bud." He orders. Dan hesitates at firs,t but then closes the door and sits down next to Wayne. He doesn't sit as close as normally and I can see him playing with his fingers as he looks around between us.

„So guys," Wayne starts. „You may be wondering why we are here all together so let me explain it to you. Dan you seem a bit off recently and the rest of us noticed that. So before you think that we team up against you I thought that we better talk about it right now, right here."

Now Platz and I join them on Waynes bed, but no one wants to start. Wayne sighs and asks: "Dan wanna tell us what's up? We know that something is wrong." Dan just shrugs his shoulders and continues to play with his fingers as he responds: "I just don't sleep well, that's it." Since he is still looking down I exchange looks with the others. We all know that that's just part of the truth.

"Having nightmares again?" Now it's Platz who breaks the silence. Dan simply nods. His shoulders begin to raise and I can some tears rolling down his cheeks as he lifts his head. „N-no matter how tired I am they just come and-and I-I'm scared and now I don't want to sleep because they don't go away!" he suddenly screams out. His words break my heart and I throw my arms around his shoulders.

„It's alright bud." I try to calm him down. „We got you and we will help you." Dan takes a few chopped breaths and responds: „How? No matter how exhasuted I am or if I take pills, as soon as I close my eyes, I can see my father again and I-I don't know what to do." „We will help you." Wayne says and Platz continues: „Maybe you just need someone by your side. Remember, it helped before." Dan nods, trying to shut his crying down and get his breathing right again."

After a few moments he calmed down a bit and I let him go. „Thanks guys." He snivels. Then he looks at Platz. „I didn't mean to snap at you when we were on the plane." Platz grins. „It's alright, it was a stupid question. Lets just forget about it and make sure that you can sleep again. Dan nods and smiles a bit. „I am so happy that you are my friends! I love you!" „We love you too." We chorus as we give him a group hug. In the end everything will be fine again, won't it?

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