Thank you

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Three weeks later:

"To say that the last weeks were exhausting would be an understatement! Especially the first one was pure horror. The accident was too much for me to take. I didn't sleep properly, hardly ate and just didn't watch out for myself. I was going crazy about the fact that Arrow is in a coma and with that I didn't just hurt myself.

Aja was worried about Arrow AND me. I didn't think about her, was only dragging myself and her down. She doesn't deserve that! She had to deal with the fact that Arrow was in a coma and that I was going completely crazy.

I wasn't able to watch out for the twins too. They did notice that something is wrong with Arrow, but they are too young to understand. Still, they needed me and I wasn't there for them. Aja and our parents had to handle that.

Last but not least, my band. Not only the guys and the whole team around us. Also the fans. I completely shut myself out. We canceled so many shows and they never got a statement. I just let all of them down!

Luckily I have Aja and Ben and Platz and Wayne. I don't know where I would be without them. They were watching out for me as if I was their own child and I never really thanked them for that. They did not just support me when I stopped speaking and eating. They were there the whole time.

But I let them down too. Five days ago, when Arrow woke up again. I just had eyes for her. I did eat and sleep again, but I just stood at her side. I pretty much ignored all the people around me and what they have done. Now I can see that, but I didn't before."

"Thank you, Dan. I think you know what you have to do now. As sad as it is, but our time is over. The next person is already waiting."

"I understand. Talking about it made things clearer and I'm feeling a lot better now, so thank you for taking your time."

Both of us stand up and walk towards the door.

"You know that you don't need to thank me. That's my job!"

I smile as I open the door and leave the room. "Yes I know"

After therapy, I decide to drive to the band house before going to Arrow again. I really need to apologize and thank the guys.

I open the front door and walk towards the kitchen where they are sitting and eating dinner.

"Oh hey, Dan. I didn't know you wanted to come too." Ben said as he spotted me.

"I wasn't planning on. I just was in therapy and decided to show up here before I'm visiting Arrow again."

"Because you can't live without us?" Platz jokes and all of us laugh.

"No, I wanted to apologize for acting like a d*ck and not acknowledging what you guys were doing for me. I was just living in my own world and you were always there for me and watching out for me and I wanted to say thank you. I don't know where I would be without you guys and Iknow that I can be difficult at times, but you've always been here for me. So thanks for everything."

"No problem bud, that's what family is here for!" Wayne states.

"Yeah. We will always have you back." Platz agrees and Ben nods.

"Thanks, guys. I love you. But I gotta go again." I say and stand up.

"Love you too," all of them reply.

"Greet Aja and Arrow from us!" Ben says as I'm about to close the door.

"I will!"


I open the hospital door to find Arrow sleeping. The twins are with Ajas parents right now. And she is sitting at the side of Arrows bed, looking at her with a warm look. The past weeks have been hard for all of us. But Arrow is a fighter, she still has such a joy of living, she is so much stronger than I could ever be!

"She just fell asleep," Aja whispers as I walk up to her.

I nod. "Can I talk to you for a second?"

I can see worry in her eyes, just for a second, but she nods and points at the door. "I don't want to wake her up." We leave the room and I silently close the door behind my back."

"I just wanted to apologize for not being there for you and being another burden."

She tries to say something but I shush her down.

"It's not like Arrow is only my child. I just kinda freaked out, because I didn't think I would ever be in this situation. You needed me at that time and instead of being there for you I had you worrying about me too and that's just not fair! You shouldn't have to deal with that on your own and looking out for me when instead I should have looked out for you.

You've always been the stronger one of the two of us and I wanted to say thank you. Thank you that you are always there for me and that you always give me another chance. I know that I'm far from good and you deserve someone who is way better than me. So thank you for having me. Thank you for not giving up on me. I hope I can give back just a little bit of what you are doing for me! I love you!"

As I end, I can see that she has tears in her eyes. Instead of answering me she reaches up and gives me a long kiss.


Dealing with writers block again. I did plan something else, but hey, I'm never doing what I'm planning for.

And since it fits the theme f the chapter: Thank you all for reading. Thank you for voting. This is going way further and better than I expected it to go. I love you! And I know it's a bit early for that, but Merry Christmas to all of you!

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