Passed out

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Since Dan didn't have any sibing in the first part, Mac is just a manager and not his brother.



As soon as I told him to think again, I regret it. Why didn't I just leave it? It's not like he has the answer to everything. No one has. But I had to say it, I could hit myself for that now. If the next thing wouldn't have happened, I would have apologized..

Dan jumped up and I immediately knew that he was going to yell something out. To be honest, he has a right to do that, we sometimes really act as if he still was a child. But we just do it because we care. Nevertheless, I can understand that he gets mad at us, we sometimes tend to get overprotective.

But right as he opened his mouth, I could see that something was going wrong. He immediately faltered and his face just got blank. The next thing I can see is him close his eyes as he falls down. The side of his head hits my bed table and then he just remains immobile on the floor.

The three of us just stare at him for a second. I try to process what just happened. Dan passed out. As soon as my brain was able to process this information, I jump up and crouch down next to him. Platz and Ben follow me just a second later.

I gently shake him by his shoulder. As he doesn't react I try harder. But he still doesn't move. I shoot the others a concerned look. Since Dan is still laying on the floor, I tell them to lift him up and lay him on my bed. It takes a bit of a manhandling, since Dan is pretty tall and by now pretty heavy due to his workout routine.

As soon as he lays on my bed, I try to jolt him awake again, but with no success. And it took me until now to recognize the wound on his forehead. I gently turn his head to my side a bit and immediately gasp for air. He has a long wound just right above his left eyebrow from where his head hit my table. It's about five centimeters long and it is bleeding like hell. My pillow is already bloody, not to talk about the amount running down his head.

I turn around to look at the others. Both of them shoot me a concerned and shocked look. "What should we do?" Platz asks, but I just shake my head. I don't know what we should do, this whole situation is just too overwhelming. I jolt Dan again, harder this time. Anxiety makes its way up in me and I start to shout at Dan: "Wake up! Dan, wake the f**k up!" But he doesn't move which causes my anxiety to raise even more.

Suddenly I can feel a hand resting on my shoulder. I stop yelling and look back. Ben scooted closer and is now saying: "Call Mac, if he doesn't wake up soon and if his bleeding doesn't stop, we'll have to call an ambulance." I nod, happy to have someone in this room, who's brain still works and who seems to have control over the situation.

Platz already jumped up and ran out the door. Macs room is just down the hallway and I can hear him rapidly knock on our manager's door. A few moments later he enters the room again, Mac right behind him. As he sees Dan, his face loses all colour and he runs up to him.

"What happened?" "We don't know, Dan jumped up off the bed and then he just passed out and hit his head on Waynes bedside table" Ben answers, still the only one who seems to be able to do so. "We need to call an ambulance!" Mac orders and Ben grabs his phone.

I just remain here, sitting next to one of my best friends, holding his head and cursing myself out for pushing him too far. Platz and Mac sit on his other side, both of them just stare at Dan, waiting for him to wake up again.


The drive to the hospital is quiet. Mac was the only one to drive with the ambulance because he is our manager and we didn't want to fight over who of the three of us should go with Dan. Luckily, it's already late, which means that traffic isn't that bad. As we enter the hospital, a nurse shows us the way and we soon find Mac sitting in the waiting area.

He looks up as he hears us coming and as soon as we stand in front of him, he starts talking: "The drive was quiet, nothing happened. They brought him into the treatment room and he has been there ever since." "Did he wake up?" It's Platz who asks. Mac just shakes his head and we take a seat next to him, waiting for news.

After a few moments of silent waiting, a door opens and a doctor leaves the room. He sees us and walks up to us. As I see the doctor I can't wait anymore, I jump up and run up to him. The others follow me soon after.

"The wound was pretty deep and we had to stitch it up. Luckily, his brain didn't receive any damage, it's only a laceration. Nothing too serious." the doctor explains. I release a breath, not knowing that I've been holding it.

"What concerns me a bit, is that he didn't wake up by now. Normally he shouldn't remain unconscious for so long." I nod and say: "He hasn't been sleeping very well over the past couple days, so he is pretty exhausted." Now the doctor nods as he says: "We'll see if that's the reason. But we'll have to check on him when he wakes up, just to make sure everything is fine."

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