Chapter 2

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Last time, our heroes faced off against a powerful Ultra Beast. Luckily, help came from an old friend. Now we join Ash and Serena for this joyous reunion.

Ash just finished saying, "Serena, it's good to see you again."

Pikachu happily shouted, "Pika, pika."

Serena started to blush, like crazy, and replied, "It's great to see you too. You too, Pikachu."

Her Delphox happily added, "Del."

Looking at Delphox, Ash smiled and said, "Wow. Braixen evolved."

They heard some coughing and looked over to Ash's classmates to see they were the ones doing it. With Lillie asking, "Are you going to introduce us, or what, Ash?"

Ash replied as he sweat behind his back, "Oh right. Sorry. This is my friend from Kalos Serena."

Serena waved at the group, "Hello."

The five students all replied and waved, "Alola."

Serena added, "Maybe we should finish introductions after we get your Pokemon to the Pokemon Center to recover? "

Everyone replied, "Right." They all got on their Riding Pokemon, with Serena returning Delphox to her Pokeball, and joining Ash on Garchomp.

Serena asked while blushing, "Is it okay that a ride with you?"

Ash blushed and replied, "Sure." The gang then took off for the Pokemon Center.

At the Center, as they waited for Nurse Joy to finish up, with their Pokemon, the gang started talking.

Mallow just finished saying, "Oh you're the Serena, apart of Ash's group from Kalos. He's told us everything about you, Clemont, and Bonnie. After we asked him about his previous journeys after we came back from visiting Kanto."

Serena added, "Yup."

The students began to introduce themselves:

"I'm Mallow."

"Lana's my name."

"Names Sophocles."

"Hello. I'm Kiawe."

"And I'm Lillie."

Rotadex joined in too, "And I'm Rotadex. The greatest Pokedex in the world." He then struck an epic pose.

Serena replied, "Cool. A talking Rota Pokedex. It's nice to meet you all." She turned to Ash and asked, "You told them everything? Including what happened at the Lumiose Airport?"

Ash rubbed his cheek, while blushing, "Well not everything. I didn't tell them about our kiss." He quickly covered his mouth.

As Pikachu sighed and shook his head, "Pika, pi."

Lillie, Lana, and Mallow, all squealed, "Ehh." They all went over to Serena and started asking questions:

First, Lillie, "How was it?"

Mallow, "How long was it?"

Lana, "I bet it was a beautiful moment, right?" This only made Serena blush more.

Meanwhile, the guys also went over to Ash, both patting him on the back, and each saying something:

Kiawe said, "I didn't know you had it in you."

While Sopiclos said, "You sly Lycanroc you." Ash also blushed from this.

Just then Nurse Joy returned, with all their Pokeballs, having healed their Pokemon. Seeing this both Ash and Serena rushed over, with Serena saying, "Look, Nurse Joy's finished."

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