Notes from the Author

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First, I would like to thank all my fellow Amourshipping fans for reading this. I never thought it would get this many reads, I set my sights low thinking I'd only get about 200 to 400, but as of this chapters posting were at 700. So thank you. 

However, I know require the help of my fellow Amourshippers. You see, I recently posted the first chapter in a big crossover, Pokemon, of course, was included, but it's not really an Amourshipping story, but some small moments will be in there and it will lead into an actual Amourshipping story I'm working on. However, in Chapter 5 of the crossover, I'm going to do something special for Amourshipping, with an interesting storytelling device, but I need help coming up with this idea so I'm asking you all: 

If Ash and Serena had a kid what would they name them? Both male and female names, since I haven't decided on the gender yet. You have about 4 weeks after this update before the deadline. So, have fun and maybe I'll pick your name and of course, I'll give you credit for it in the Chapter. Thank you. And finally, AMOURSHIPPING FOREVER!

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