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At the Pokemon School, in the classroom, the gang was talking with Serena. Mallow just asked, "So where are you going now, Serena?"

Serena replied, "Well there's this new region, the [Insert Generation 8 Region name here] Region, which also has Pokemon Performing. So I can go there, compete, and improve my skills, while bringing joy to others."

Everyone nodded, while Ash got closer and asked, "Would there happen to be Gyms in this Region?"

Serena looked up the Region, on her little computer, and showed it to Ash, as she said, "Yes it does and a League."

Ash then set Pikachu off his shoulder, and saying, "Sorry buddy, but can you wait here for a bit."

Pikachu sighed, "Pika."

Ash then said, "Thanks, buddy." He then turned to Serena, "Can we talk a little outside?"

Serena blushed a little, and replied, "Um, sure." The two left to go outside, with the others watching them go.

Once outside, a few feet from the rooms entrance, Ash asked, as he started to blush a little "So, um, would you be okay with waiting to go to the [Insert Generation 8 Region name here] Region, until after I compete in the Alola League, so we can go together to the Region?"

Serena started blushing like crazy, "Wait. Are you serious?"

Ash, while still blushing, confidently replied, "Yes! And maybe we could stop in Pallet Town, and you could meet my mom? My old friend Brock told me meeting the parents is an important step in relationships."

Serena started saying, "Me and you? Together? In another Region? Meeting your mom?" She started to compose herself and asked, "Are you sure you want to go with me, instead of going to another Region and try to win that League? I mean I want to, but I don't want to feel like I'm forcing you to come with me when you could fulfill your dream better somewhere else."

Ash shouted, "Serena, you're not forcing me! I really want to go with you. Be with you as we both fulfill our dreams. Seeing you again has been great, I really have missed you."

Serena replied, "I've missed you to Ash. That's why when I arrived in Alola and heard you were here, I was so excited."

Ash stared at Serena, as he began to say, "Seeing Professors Kukui and Burnet together, it's pretty obvious what life is about. While it is about following your dreams, it's also about being with ones you care about. The ones you choose. Serena, I choose you."

"I choose you too, Ash." Serena started blushing and smiling as did Ash, they slowly touched hands and leaned in to kiss.

However, they stopped when they heard Rotadex say, as he popped up near them, "Quite an interesting phenomena."

Serena turned away, embarrassed, while Ash shouted, "Rotadex! What are you doing?"

The talking Pokedex replied, "I'm studying the human phenomena know as love. I've observed a few kinds of love before, including Professors Kukui and Burnet."

Ash began to scream, "ROTADEX!" And he started chasing after Rotadex, who was running away, as Serena blushed even more, with Ash's classmates arriving.

Lillie, Mallow, and Lana, all went over to Serena, leaning in and each saying something. Mallow went first, "You guys,"

Lana took over, "almost,"

Lillie finished, "kissed."

They then said together, "How cute." This only made Serena blush more.

(After the end of the Alola League): (Which Ash lost unfortunately in my version. While I do want him to win a League, it can't be the Alola League, it has to be an official League, not one Professor Kukui just created out of nowhere, otherwise, it will only feel like a hollow victory for Ash. At least in my opinion.)

At the airport, Ash and Serena were saying goodbye to Ash's classmates, Rotadex, and Professor Kukui. Ash had just said, "Thanks for letting me stay with you Professor Kukui."

Kukui replied, "No problem. It was fun having you."

Rotadex said, with tears in his eyes, "I'll miss you, Ash."

Ash replied, "You too."

Pikachu added, "Pika."

Togedemaru started sobbing, in Sophocles' arms, while saying, "Toge."

Sophocles told his Pokemon, "Don't worry, Togedemaru, will see them again. Right, Ash?"

Both Ash and Pikachu smiled, with Ash saying, "Of course."

And Pikachu saying, "Chu."

Kiawe then said, "Make sure you do come back, Ash. So we can have a rematch."

Ash replied as Both Pikachu and Turtonator flexed their arms, "You can count on it."

Serena, meanwhile, said goodbye to the girls, by saying, "It was fun hanging out with you."

Lana told her, "Will have to do it again when you come to visit."

Popplio happily shouted, "'Popplio!"

Lillie joined in, "Yeah. We can't wait to see you guys again. Right, Snowy?"

Snowy replied, while in Lillie's arms, "Vul!"

Then, Mallow nudged Serena's shoulders, while smirking and saying, "And make sure you take care of Ash."

Steenee nudged Serena's legs too, mimicking her trainer and saying, "Steenee."

Serena blushed, backed up and managed to get out, "U-um. Of cou-urse."

The girls and there Pokemon laughed, as Ash and the boys came over, with Ash saying, "Hey, what's up?"

Serena quickly said, "Nothing!"

In a few minutes, Ash's classmates, Rotadex, and Professor Kukui, began to wave goodbye to Ash, Pikachu, and Serena, who were on the plane and waving back. After the plane took off, Ash looked out the window, while Pikachu laid in his lap. Serena then took Ash's hands in hers and the couple stared at each, with smiles and a light blush.

Unbeknownst to anyone, Team Rocket in their rocket-powered Meowth Balloon was pursuing Ash and Serena's plane. As they did this, they began to recite the motto:

First, was of course, Jessie, "Prepare for trouble, we're on your tail twerps!"
James said his line, "And make it double, will pursue you no matter what!" Then they began to transition, between each sentence:
"To protect the world from devastation."
"To unite all people within our nation."
"To denounce the evils of truth and love."
"To extend our reach to the stars above."
"And James!"
"Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light."
"Surrender now, or prepare to fight!"
Meowth, finally got his part, "Meowth, that's right!"
With Jessie's Wobbuffet appearing, and adding its own, "Wobbuffet!"

Just then, one of James Pokeballs flashed open, releasing Bewear, which added it's own, "Bewear!" As it hugged all four of them, while the Balloon kept following Ash and Serena's plane, back to Kanto. (That's right I had James capture Bewear, since it's one of my favorite parts of Sun and Moon, so it going with them would be cool in my eyes, since it doesn't seem like James will be getting his Mime Jr. back from Team Rocket HQ, we need a replacement for it to join in the motto). 

And so Ash and Serena head back to Kanto, as they prepare to travel to the new [Insert Generation 8 Region name here] Region together, with Team Rocket, of course, in hot pursuit. What new adventures will they all have. Find out as the journey continues.

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