9|Tomboy (part uno)

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Hey guys so I'm going to do something a little different I hope you guys like it. (Open the pic to see the outfit)

Today has been a harddddd day I'm getting tired of dealing with shit. My sexuality and the way I dress has been the most demanding in my life when it comes to my mother. I love her to death but my mom hates how I dress. She automatically think I have attraction to women because of they way I dress. I mean yeah I like to wear masculine clothes but FUCK that doesn't mean I'm lesbian I'm actually bisexual there's a difference.

I have to deal with her alllll the time and I'm getti- "KALEY ARE YOU EVEN FUCKING LISTENING TO ME STOP DRESSING LIKE A DAMN MAN." She said to me rolling her eyes at me in disgust I hated that. I hate how my mom looks at me, just because of the way I dress wow "mom really" I said calmly looking at her saddening by how she was disgusted by me "yes really dress more like a lady, You won't ever get a man looking like that"

Now that, that pissed me the fuck off. Does she think in my everyday life I beg for a man in my life does she think thats what I'm living for bitch please "I DONT NEED NO FUCKING MAN IN MY DAMN LIFE YOU ALWAYS TALKING ABOUT HOW I NEED A MAN IN MY LIFE BUT YOU RAN DAD AWAY SO YOU HOW ABOUT YOU GO FIND A MAN AND GO TO A DAMN THERAPIST" I said I was angry I stormed out the door hearing my mom say in the background how much I'm just like my father and that I'm a disgrace for being disrespectful. At this point I'm like fuck it.

Driving down the road I heard my phone ringing the my Bluetooth in the car I read the caller ID it was Keith "yoooooo" Keith said in the phone loud I laughed at him "wassup dumbass" I said smiling me and Keith are super close we started hanging out a lot when he first wanted to start acting "Aye we going to woody house wanna come ova" Keith said "yeah sure I'm otw" I said U turning "Ight cool" he said hanging up

FUCK now I have to go over there and put a fake smile on my face. I'm not a very open person when it comes to my problems so I fake a smile when I'm in pain. 30 minutes later I was pulling in woodys Drive way "Okay Kay Kay you gotta get you self together forget her don't look sad go in there and act like act li-" I just started crying I never cry I'm just fed up and wish my mom would except me for me. She's my heart my world I wanna make her proud but she can't even love me. "Calm down calm down calm down" I whispered to myself. I already had my lie set up if anybody ask me why my eyes were red then it's allergies duh

I walk to the door and knocked Elijah short ass opened the door "Ahhhhh wassup light bright" Elijah said to me laughing at me he knows I hate being called light bright "Ahhhh wassup lil bitch midget" I said fake laughing and walking away

Walking in the living room I seen Algee, Melvin, Keith, Luke Dominique, Darius, Rachel, Broderick, Matthew, Pepi, and Kalyan "Dammmnnn Its hella niggas here" I said laughing everybody looked at me and started laughing

"Wassup Kaley" Darius said grabbing me and picking me up. Darius and Dom were like big brothers to me. "Aye aye nigga put me down" I said laughing at them. They loved to aggravate me Darius knows I hate getting picked up "okayyyy kaley I see with the swag on ten" Algee said punching my shoulder lightly. "You know what can I say I'm that nigga" I said rubbing my chin lightly doing the lightskin face "Awww hell why would you tell her cocky ass that nigga" Melvin said mushing my head "Aye nigga get yo lightskin pie face ass on somewhere." I said while mugging him. Me and Melvin were super close we grew up in the same family he was my cousin. "Ohhhhh do you got jokes with yo giraffe neck ass" he said as we both laughed together

"Kay kayyyyyy" I heard Keith coming to hug me and kiss me on the cheek. I have this tiny crush on Keith. He listens to me he know what I go through. I'm bisexual and the things I have to deal with is hectic he's the only one I feel like I can escape with when I'm talking to him. "How you doing" He said smiling down at me. "I'm cooling " I said smiling a bit "mhmmmm" he said knowing I was lying. "Ight y'all we still going to the mall and stuff or what"

30 minutes later

Everybody went there seperate ways once they headed to the mall. Me and Keith wanted to go to the same store "jimmy jazz". "So what going on with you" Keith said nudging me with his elbow. Telling him what my mother said to me is going to be hard and I did not want to cry in public. Crying is for the weak. "Ummm can we talk about that later private please." I said nervously blowing out air "Yeah yeah" he said nodding his head quickly. "Got in gigs are anything you wanna tell me about" he said smiling at me. "Yesss actually and you're gonna be surprised, so it's a movie called Good cop and it's like comedic drama. It's starring; Kevin Hart, Trevante rhodes, Me, and Yara Shadidi who plays my sister. Kevin and trevante are cops and I'm the "bad guy". I said smiling hard " ohhhh shit I see you then lil Kay Kay. I'm proud of you man." He said hugging me

After we got done shopping we ate, chilled at woody and everybody went home but Keith told me to come over his house. "So you gone tell me" Keith said as we sat and watched tv. I was so nervous. "Umm my mom she really hurt me with the things she said. She always belittles me. She never tells me she's proud. I was going to tell her about my movie gig, but the first thing I here when I walk through the door is "you look like a damn man" like I didn't want hear that shit today" My eyes started to tear up and I don't want to cry so I paused "I heard that shit all my life when I was younger and she's still doing. She even told me I wouldn't find a man because of how a dress" I chuckled trying to calm myself down. Keith grabbed my shoulders "Kaley cry it's okay to cry. Whoever told you crying is for the weak was dumb as hell. You need to to cry." He said looking me in my eyes deeply he took my jacket off and put me on his lap.

I stiffened from his touch. "Lay down on my chest" Keith said and I did as such. He held me with his strong arm and swayed me back and forth. Tears started to form in my eyes and I just cried. I did that until I wasn't able to anymore. I looked up at him and he was already looking at me. "You okay beautiful." My heart dropped is he talking to me. "Uhh yes" I said looking away from him but he grabbed my chin and moved his face closer to mine and he


I am back and ready to update I'm sorry guys I just haven't been motivated and I seen people voting for it so I said hey people still like them. I HAVE 25k FUCKING READ LIKE IM SO DAMN GRATEFULLLL!!!!! Please go read my book TYPE OF LOVE. I believe you guys well like on Friday I we'll try my best to update this book and Saturday's I will update TYPE OF LOVE. I love you my babies❤️

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