Am I dreaming?

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I woke up really early. As I opened my eyes, I could see first daylight getting into the room through my window. I slowly got up, put on my flip flops and went downstairs to have some breakfast.
Because it was Saturday, my dad was at home with me, so he made me scrambled eggs. I sat down and thought about last night. I was deciding if I should ask him now, or wait until we finish breakfast, but it was stronger than me. I had to ask him. He will understand. "Dad? Do you know that Katy will be a judge on America's got talent this year?" I asked. He gave me a surprised look and said "We need to see every episode haha." I was a little bit nervous about what will he think but I had to say it quickly. Like taking off a bandage. "You know... meeting her is my life goal and I thought that i could compete. I would be happy even if I lost. And if I won, I could pay for my school and you wouldn't have to worry about me. Can I try it?" The smile in dad's face disappeared. He looked terrible. "Are you ok? Is everything alright?" I worried. He looked like he doesn't want me to go. Was it because I was too young? I was confused. He looked me in the eyes and said "Alya I have to tell you something about your mother." I felt angry. He just changed the topic! I don't wanna hear about her now, I just wanna compete. "I don't care! Why can't I go?!" He didn't listen to me. "I will tell you something if you promise me you won't be mad at me." he said seriously. "It was year 2010 And Katy just married Russel Brand. They seemed very happy together. Katy was about to go on tour and she needed people, who would build her stage and travel with her. I was lucky enough to get that job. She was the best boss I have ever had. We visited so many places. Russel couldn't travel with her, because he had his own job. At that time we were very close. She used to cry a lot, because her relationship with her husband wasn't as good as she wanted. We fell in love very quickly. One day she wanted to see me again. We met and she looked terrified. She told me she was pregnant. Because of her friends, she could hide it for a long time. After she gave birth, she told me "I can't do this. What about my fans? What about my husband? It would ruin my life. Please take the baby and hide her. Maybe one day she will understand." I understood her. I couldn't blame her for anything. The last thing I asked was "What will we name her?" She looked you in the eyes and said "Alya." And that was the last time I saw her. Russel obviously found out and they got a divorce. I bought this house and promised myself I would give you a family, that you deserve. Please don't be mad Alya. I love you." I didn't say anything. This had to be a joke. Katy Perry is my mother? This can't be real. I lost all words. My dad wouldn't lie to me. A part of me has never been happier but I had so many questions. My dad probably didn't expect this reaction. He thought I would be angry that he kept it a secret. He took my hand and said "If you really want to compete, I will support you. You are old enough to make your own decisions." He smiled and went back upstairs.
My brain was not getting it. Will Katy recognize me? Should I tell her who I am? Should I keep it a secret? I guess I will just wait and see what the future brings.

Lost And Found (Katy Perry fanfiction)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя