Sweet California dreams

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From Katy's face I couldn't tell, if she knew who I was or not. She was talking about something, but I could only focus on her eyes, her smile and her nose crinkles. I wasn't used to talking too much, so I was just staring at her the whole ride. In a few minutes we arrived. The man who was driving helped me with my bag. We were standing in front of the gate to her garden. It looked like a palace. I couldn't see much, because it was dark outside but I knew it from the pictures. The view took my breath completely. I wish I could stay there forever. Katy saw how excited I was and just laughed about it. "Let's come in!" she said and opened the gate. Then she opened the door and let me walk inside first. Our home always smelled very weird and reminded me of old people. Katy's house smelled amazing. I couldn't tell what it was reminding me of but, it smelled like home. I was about to take my shoes off, but Katy told me not to. Her dog Nugget jumped up from the sofa. She was running around with happiness and barking so loud, that the whole neighborhood knew, that Katy came home. She put her coat off and said "Have a seat, I will give you something to eat". I did what she said. The table was huge. I looked around and I saw pictures of her family and friends. As a professional katycat I knew them all, but I didn't want Katy to know, because it would be creepy. Suddenly I realized my dad is probably worried about me so I messaged him, that I am ok and I will come home tomorrow. Even though this was all I've ever wanted, I was so tired and my eyes were closing. Katy walked out of the kitchen with sandwich and a glass of milk. "I would order Pizza, but it's too late. Bon appétit!" I was so hungry that the sandwich was gone immediately. "Thank you so much Katy" I said with full mouth. Katy smiled at me and answered "You are welcome Alya. Tell me more about yourself." "I live with my dad alone in a small town. He is such an amazing person and i am so proud of him. I play my guitar most of the time. I don't like going out and socializing a lot. I am a quiet person but I am ok with it. I have your posters all over the room!" I felt my face was getting red as she started laughing. Then she looked me in the eyes and asked "You said you were 15. Right?" I just smiled and tried to read her mind from her face expression. I think she found out it was all coming together.
She took my plate and the empty glass and went back to the kitchen. When she came back she took me to a room upstairs, where I was supposed to sleep. The bed looked so big and comfortable. Katy closed the curtains and said "the bathroom is next doors. I guess you don't have any pajamas, so you can wear my old dress. Sweet California dreams!" and she went to her room. Again, as a professional katycat, I got that reference. I put on the dress Katy gave me. It smelled just like her. I didn't even use the bathroom and went straight to the most comfortable bed you can imagine.

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