Chapter Five

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"Yo!" Victor shouted when he, Sergio, and Bart got close. Victor had seen Colin exit the school with some girl and told his friends they should follow them into the alley. "What's going on here?"

Colin and Courtney turned. Colin froze. His eyes went wide.

Sergio said, "Teacher's Pet's got a girlfriend."

Bart shook his head. "Naw, he's got a pet. A dog. Real fea."

"What'd you say?" Courtney stepped toward the boys.

Colin grabbed his sister's arm, pulled her back. "Come on," he said. "Don't."

"Wow," said Victor. "A chicken and a dog."

Sergio clucked. Bart barked.

Courtney asked, "So, you wanna get beat down by a girl, huh?" Steam practically burst from every hole in her head.

Victor laughed. "Colin, you gonna let this gordita finish your fight for you?"

Colin averted his eyes. "There's no fight."

Courtney looked to her brother. "Is this Victor?" Colin didn't answer her, so she turned to the bigger boy. "Are you Victor?"

"Yeah. So? Sorry, I don't kiss animals."

"My brother's gonna make you regret you ever said that." Courtney shoved Colin forward, stumbling toward Victor. "Right, Colin?"

Victor smiled. "This thing is your sister?" He circled Colin like a shark. He was going to take his time, make the kid squirm.

"Leave us alone," Colin ordered, trying to sound sure of himself. It didn't work.

Victor ignored what was said. "Yeah, I see the resemblance now. Poor girl. She's stuck looking like you."

Courtney stepped to Victor. "Say that again."

"At least she's got guts. Where are yours at?"

"Stop it, Victor. Leave us alone, alright? I didn't even do anything to you."

"You couldn't shut your mouth," said Sergio.

Bart added, "Had to run it. Be all tough."

"No," said Victor, "he ain't tough. He ain't tough at all. Now, gimme those."

The bully snatched the shoes away from Colin, who, along with his sister, cried out, "Hey!"

Victor inspected the Vans. Wished someone would buy him a pair half as nice. "These are a little girly," he said to Colin. "Even for you."

Sergio chuckled. "No, they're just right."

"Not girly enough, I think," said Bart.

"These yours?" Victor held the shoes out to Courtney.

"Yeah," said the girl. "So give them back."

"Put them on," Victor ordered Colin.


"You heard me. Put on the pretty shoes. You got little feet."

Sergio snickered. "They'll fit, don't worry."

Bart joined in. "You like to dress up in girl's clothes, don't you?"

Courtney used her eyes to plead with her brother before saying, "Don't do it, Colin."

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