Chapter Fourteen

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A day passed. Life went on without much incident.

At the start of first period on that fateful Friday, after another stirring rendition of "The Pledge," Ms. Todd centered a television set in front of her students.

Victor Villa's seat was empty.

The teacher said, "There's been a lot of negativity in this class lately. A lot of name-calling and fighting."

"Bullying," Colin clarified.

"Yes, Colin. Bullying." And then, sternly, "And I'm sick and tired of it."

"Me, too," said the boy.

Behind him, Sergio snorted. "Yeah, right."

"Mentiroso," said Bart.

"See? This is what I'm talking about." The teacher grew red in the face. "This is why we have to take time out of our planned unit and watch this bullying video. You don't know when to quit. You don't seem to quite understand the consequences of your actions."

Victor walked in, wearing his backpack. He also wore thick, yellow rubber gloves borrowed from Sergio's mom. Sergio had convinced her that Victor had lost a bet and he'd need to wear the gloves for a few days. The woman didn't ask any questions about it. She just figured that teenage boys were a little strange.

In one of Victor's hands, he held a piece of paper. He fist-bumped his homeys.

"Gloves still helping?" Sergio asked.


"Knew it," said Bart. "Internet don't lie."

The boys had read online that rubber was an insulator, a material that didn't allow electricity through it. As long as Victor wore the gloves, he couldn't shock another person.

Victor went to the teacher, holding out the paper to Ms. Todd. "Here."

The woman took a quick glance at the gloves. "Interesting fashion accessories."

"Thanks," replied the boy.

Ms. Todd examined the paper for a moment. "Sorry that it's had to come to this, Victor." She signed the document and handed it back to him.

"Me, too. It sucks. I don't wanna go."

Before he turned to leave, Ms. Todd said, "Maybe I'll see you around."

Victor nodded. "Maybe." He walked down the aisle.

Bart asked, "What's going on?"

"They're changing my classes."

Sergio shook his head. "?Serio?"

Colin butted in. "Goodbye, Victor. It's been fun."

Victor stopped and turned to Colin. "What was that?"

"Ms. Todd!" Colin screamed.

The teacher pointed toward the door. "Victor, it's time to leave."

Victor ignored her. He stepped up to Colin's desk and said, "You know what you did."

"Dude, leave me alone!"

Victor smirked. "But we can move past it." He removed his left glove and extended an open palm to Colin. "How about a truce?"

Colin merely stared at the gloveless hand. He knew what would happen to him if he touched it. He'd be electrocuted. More of his fingers would be crushed—and possibly break—in Victor's grasp.

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