Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Victor stepped out of Ms. Todd's room, wanting to get far away from what he'd just done. But walking down the hallway toward the class was Colin.

Of course.

Colin didn't seem to notice Victor at first. His face was buried in his phone.

Victor froze. His guts twisted in his belly. He should've just turned around and gone the other direction. Taken the long route to breakfast in the cafeteria.


Colin looked up. "What're you doing here?" He slipped his phone into his pants pocket. "Isn't your first period across campus now?"

"Yeah," said Victor. "Just wanted say hi to Ms. Todd."

"Doubt she'd want much to do with you. Not like you ever accomplished anything in there."

No? I just blew up your spot, fool!

Victor closed his eyes, took a deep breath. Unclenched his fists.

He said, "Things always gonna be like this?"

"You mean, are we ever gonna be friends?"

Don't wanna be friends with you.

Colin continued, "No, I don't think it's gonna work out between us, Victor."

"I meant, you always gonna be hostile to me?"

"'Hostile'? Wow, someone reads at a sixth-grade level."

"I know we got history, but I apologized to you, man." Victor paused. "Look, I'll do it again, okay? I'm sorry for everything I ever did to you, Colin."

Even for snitching on you. Maybe.

"You think that's enough?"

"It's better than...than nothing."

Colin glared. "You took away what made me special, dumbass!"

"What made you a monster, you mean. You killed someone. Were about to burn down my house. You were gonna bring down a plane fulla people into the school!"

Colin looked away. Bit his lip.

But a few seconds later, he turned back to Victor and snarled, "Know what? Sometimes, 'sorry' doesn't fix anything, doesn't correct history. Sometimes, 'sorry' is too late and doesn't erase all the crap you've already done." Colin bared his teeth. "Sorry, but, no, your 'sorry's don't do anything for me. You're gonna have to live with that, and go on knowing that I hate you."

Damn. 'Hate' me?

But I'm different now...

"Alright," said Victor, feeling sicker by the moment.

"Good. 'Cause, as long as I'm alive, we'll never be even."

Victor scratched his head. "Never?"

Colin nodded. "Never. Things didn't end on my terms, if you remember."

"You're gonna keep coming at me, then?"

"Just watch yourself, Victor."

Behind Colin, someone approached.

Mr. Koontz, who had returned to work earlier in the week. Victor smiled, glad to see the man on his feet and looking healthy.

Then, Victor realized why the Dean was there.

Ms. Todd must've called him over to discuss what I told her. Crap.

Victor had to get out of there.

Colin followed Victor's gaze, and, all syrupy and sweet, said, "Good morning, Mr. Koontz."

"Gentlemen," said the Dean, "I won't lie. You two together makes me real nervous."

"Oh, us?" said Colin. "We're best friends now. Been through a lot together, you know."

Victor's jaw dropped a little. He shook his head but wasn't sure if Mr. Koontz caught it.

The man said, "It would just make me feel better if I watched you go your separate ways."

"I gotta go get some food, anyway," Victor said.

"Sounds good," said the Dean.

"Bye, Koontz." Victor walked off.

"Don't choke on your huevos," Colin called after him.

Before he rounded the corner, Victor looked back and saw Koontz follow Colin into Ms. Todd's classroom.

There was no turning back now.

Wheels were set into motion.

Victor just hoped his reputation wouldn't get crushed beneath them.

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