Chapter II:Tough Schedule

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Ivan:"Well, last night's sleep was pretty good, what time is it? Oh that's right, i dont have a clock or a watch."

I said sarcastically,just after that moment, the metallic door suddenly opens almost giving me a heart attack. The same two armed guards from yesterday appeared 

Guard #2:"Oy mate! Get your ass out of bed cunt!"

Ivan:"Nice wake up alarm you got at this place, right?" I said to the guard that seems like an aussie

Guard #2:"Yeah mate,the budget here is weird..."

Guard #1:"Alright, I hope you had a good beauty sleep because you are going to need it for today's schedule, kid." 

Ivan:"Alright, but at least can I have some breakfast first? I haven't eat since yesterday...or God knows how long."

Guard #1:"Don't worry, everything is on the schedule, follow us, and like yesterday, dont try anything stupid...."

Ivan:"Or you will shoot me, I know the drill, can we go now, my stomach is starting to digest itself."

I followed the guards across the white facility, for some reason it was more populated than yesterday, I saw alot of scientists, taking notes, talking between them, some guards, and also some Class D personnel some of them wave their hand at me, I did the same, other look tired and some of lost in thoughts , moving around the place, then we reached the cafeteria.

Ivan:"Oh,you got a Cafeteria here."

Guard #1:"Alright, get something to eat, you have 30 mins,also, be careful with the vending machine, only order things that you can drink."

That last thing the guard told me left me confused, but then I remember, everything here is weird and/or dangerous...but anyway,lets eat something, I'm starving,I approach and ask for the breakfast, the staff guy who was there served me something that i dont really know what it is, looks like Gulag food,but im not going to complaining,also they gave a mint, so that's nice at least. Then I got near the vending machine, I saw a yellow poster like the one on 811's chamber, stating:"SCP-294 Object Class: Euclid", also a warning poster right next to it implying"Warning, do not order non consumable liquids".

*Why there is one of those things out here? You know what, since what I saw yesterday, this is more logical*

*Why there is one of those things out here? You know what, since what I saw yesterday, this is more logical*

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Foundation Guard:"Excuse me."

I turned around and saw the guard who told me that, I moved aside and let him pass and watch him using the machine, he simply just typed on the console 'Fiji Water' and then pressed 'Enter' the machine started to make sounds and dispensed a cup and a translucid liquid started to flow out of it, like any other coffee vending machine.

Ivan:"Okay, here we go, Im going to have, yea why not, I need to be awake for the shit they are going to put me through today."

I type 'coffee' on the machine's console and pressed 'enter' and the same happend, the machine dispensed a cup like before,but instead of the translucid drink, it was a dark brown liquid, I grabbed it and sit down on the table and started to eat my breakfast, it looks like astronaut food, but damn ,it tasted like glory, I then drank my coffee, put the tray where the dirty trays were and then walked towards the guards who brought me here, they waited there the whole time. 

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