Chapter V: A New Friend

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We have being walking around the light containment zone until we reached a checkpoint, on top of the doors there was a sign

Ivan:"Heavy Containment Zone"

Cooper:"Yep mate, this is where the fun begins, hey sarge, the doors are locked, we cant open it"

Sgt. Mitchell:"I know,silence"

Sgt. Mitchell told us while grabbing an intercom that was attached to the wall on our left.

Sgt. Mitchell:"Overwatch this is Sergeant James Mitchell, can you hear me?

Overwatch:"Sgt. Mitchell this is overwatch, hows is your status with D-21237, have you found him?

Sgt. Mitchell:"Affirmative, we have found D-21237, we also are escorting SCP-811 with us, it was attacked by SCP-106, requesting permission to take her to the surface with us"

Overwatch:"Understood, stand by..."

We all waited there in silence, waiting for an answer, until 811 broke the ice

811:"What happens if they refuse?"

We all looked at her

Sgt. Mitchell:"Well, since I imagine your chamber is broken, and we dont have time to get you back, we will have to leave you here by yourself, so cross your fingers"

I was about to say something but Cooper just shake his head, so I just remained silent

Overwatch:"Sgt. you are still there"

Sgt. Mitchell:"Yeah"

Overwatch:"Permission granted, just keep her from destroying equipment or killing, it will be your full responsibility"

Sgt. Mitchell:"Understood, we also found who killed those Insurgency soldiers, we found GOC operatives like 10 mins ago, they were searching for a "phone" to what we heard, we kill them, we dont know if there is more roaming the facility."

Overwatch:" What? Why you haven't report it earlier?"

Sgt. Mitchell:"The only radio we had was damage by enemy fire"

Overwatch:"Understood, I'll report that to the superiors, anything else?"

Sgt. Mitchell:"Yea, can you open checkpoint 3, we are trapped here"

Overwatch:"Understood, opening checkpoint 3 for 2 mins, proceed with caution, we a have reports that 682 destroyed some chamber gates, some SCPs are on the loose, we dont know which ones certainly, use the intercom when you reach the checkpoint before the entrance section"

Sgt. Mitchell:"Roger that, over and out"

He hangs up the intercom

Cooper:"Well, good news for yous love birds"


Ivan: Sight "Its least you can stay with us"  I said looking at ther with a smile with my thumbs

811 smiled back

Sgt. Mitchel:"Really?"

Cooper:"Yep mate, they have being like this all day"

Sgt. Mitchell:"Well that is a problem for another time, lets go:

We all nodded at start following him, we pass the check point, this part of the facility is really different from the light containment zone, instead of being white it was grey, the ground was made of steel plates, the walls here are more thick we walk there for some mins, like the light containment zone, 

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