The Scarf That United Us

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Disclaimer: All Fairy Tail Characters Belong To Hiro Mashima

Day 2: Swap

The Scarf That United Us

Erza was tired of watching her two idiotic friends fight constantly. It did not matter what time of day, or what season of the year, no day went by without the two of them battling it out. With or without magic. The slightest comment would be taken as an insult, and off they would go, fists pounding into flesh, elemental magic blasts causing everyone to quickly get out of the way or risk being frozen or burned. No matter how many times she knocked their heads together to stop them, they were back at it as soon as she turned around.

Since Natsu had joined the guild, he and Gray had caused so much destruction that the Master had taken to deducting a percentage of their pay to create a fund to cover the repairs. Neither one complained, after Natsu had burned the guild down once during one of their fights, they knew it was more than fair.

While they fought, they were exhilarated, adrenaline flowed through their bodies, and there was nothing more important than to beat the ever living crap out of each other. It was their solution to every problem. Natsu was upset that no matter how hard he tried he couldn't find Igneel? He'd look for Gray and make him pay. Gray had a nightmare where he felt powerless after watching Deliora destroy everything he cared about? Natsu was the perfect punching dummy to make him feel powerful again.

Some of the older members of the guild were concerned that Natsu and Gray's relationship was becoming toxic. Makarov chose to stand in the sidelines and watch them. He knew there was no real animosity between the two, they were two growing boys with a lot of energy and passion, and they both knew they could take whatever the other could dish out. More often than not, they would go back to sitting next to each other after they were done.

As time passed both Erza and Makarov began to notice a change in the pattern of Natsu and Gray's fights. They had become more violent and aggressive with each other. Their insults rang truer, their fists hit harder, and at the end of the fight, one of them would invariably slam the guild doors on his way out. Something was wrong, but no one had any idea of what had happened. They began taking solo jobs to stay away from the other, but any time they were in the same room they were immediately at each other's throats.

Makarov decided to take matters into his own hands and get to the bottom of the situation. The next time Natsu and Gray were in the guild, he cornered them and led them into his office before they could get into a fight. He waited until they sat down.

"Alright, boys. I've tried to let you handle this by yourselves, but I think it's time you tell me what's going on." Makarov said as he watched the two boys squirm in their seats.

"Nothing's going on, Gramps," Gray responded first, his tone tight.

"How many times do I have to apologize?" Natsu countered angrily. "It was just a stupid bracelet, I'll buy you another one, Ice Block."

Gray sat in the chair, wanting the hurt to go away. But it wouldn't. He took a deep breath, he was absolutely not having it out with the Flame Brain in front of the old man. Just when he thought he was going to be okay....

"It was not just a stupid bracelet, you moron." Gray yelled, "It was my father's. I took it from his body when I found it. So how? How are you going to get me another one? My father's dead, you asshole."

Natsu paled as he fingered his scarf nervously. He hadn't known that. How was he supposed to know that? Gray never shared anything about himself. He'd always worn the bracelet, but Natsu had never thought about where it had come from. Gray's bracelet meant as much to him as Igneel's scarf did to Natsu, and he had destroyed it. Melted it until its links were unrecognizable. What had he done? It had been an accident, but he had really hurt his friend, and he didn't know how to make it better.

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