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Okay. This isn't supposed to be comical at all.

I just need to tell somebody, and I cannot wait anymore.

I've been having self esteem issues recently.

All the people I'm around are better than me somehow.

Naturally, the negative thoughts surface first.

I find it hopeless to continue anything I've started.

My books, languages, even sometimes my own life.

I am lonely and I want something else out of life.

I want to change how I act.

To transform my aura into a likable person.

I just don't know how to start.

I'm self - conscious about something most people don't have.

I despise the way I look.

What I am, who I am.

It's a knife to the heart when I get a language wrong.

Because my friend corrects me.

I know she doesn't mean it in a cruel way...

But that's how I take it.

I hide my pain with a cruel exterior.

It's covered with fake hatred.

My parents don't see through the wall.

Yet, the wall is glass.

(That sounded poetic... It wasn't supposed to be.)

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