My Logic

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"I like people.

People just don't like me."




"Society controls you.

I, however, am the only one who can control my sexiness."


"My life is pointless...

I'm forced into a world I hate...

All because of my parents."


"Ew... Look! It's that nerd girl!"

"You just need to fall into a pit and rot.

And it's called otaku not nerd."


That's so bootyful~! *0*

But not as bootyful as Spain's a**~ 


"69 is the golden number."


69 is the milky number."


"Gotta get your protein~


Just because those girls are so mean~,

So mean~,

Doesn't mean you can't get your protein~



"Can I pet your face?"


"Aw... But you smell so good!"


"I would bring Romano to shame right now...

...but I love you to much to subject you to that."


*researching Zodiac stuff 'cuz I'm bored a lot*

Leo's are laid back, rare to find--but good when found, talkative, passionate, attractive, loud, down to earth, great kissers, knows how to have fun, outgoing, not one to mess with, loves being in long relationships, unpredictable, bossy, a little vain, faithful, loving, honest, powerful, confident, optimistic, magnanimous, ambitious, majestic, romantic, lavish, seductive, noble, cheerful, creative, charming, autocratic, melodramatic, interfering, pretentious, stubborn, bigoted, concieted, narrow-minded, demanding, unyeilding, sulkiness, oversensitive, imperious, arrogant and pompus.


Me(mentally): *sobbing into oblivion* WHY IS IT ALL TRUE? ;A;

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