2) Gringotts,Shopping,Hogwarts

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Diagonal Alley (1975)

Niprihxity- Stepping out of the shadows between two buildings, I look at everything in awe. "It's so different."

Thanatos- (Chuckles) "Yes, it is much different in this time. Especially Hogwarts, instead of seven years , it's eight. You graduate when your eighteen."

Niprihxity- (Hums) "Who is the Headmaster?"

Thanatos- I lead the teen to Gringotts. "Armando Dippit, a very wonderful man."

Niprihxity- (Nods) I follow my father into the prestigious Goblin Run Bank.


Thanatos- Going over to the first free teller. "Good afternoon Gaggle."

Gaggle- I glance up at the black cloaked figure. (Gulps) "Mr. Invidia..."

Thanatos- "We need to make this quick. My daughter turned fifteen and came into her Inheritance." Taking a pause she hands me her paperwork. "She's received her papers through Owl. What we need is access to the family vault and she needs transfer papers for Hogwarts."

Gaggle- (Nods) I take a quick look over all the paperwork and hand it back. "Of course, everything seems in order." I pull out a piece of parchment and a blood quill. "If you sign this dear, it allows you to carry a Goblin made wallet that is directly linked to your family vault."

Thanatos- I sign the parchment first, then slide the document in front of my daughter.

Niprihxity- Taking the offered quill, I sign the parchment.

Gaggle- (Nods) "Alright." I quickly file the contract. "Which design do you like dear?" I set  four very feminine Goblin made wallets on my desk.

Niprihxity- (Hums) I point out the green galaxy one. "That one please."

Gaggle- I hand it to the girl.

Niprihxity- I take it and pocket it.

Gaggle- "Anything else, I can do?" I get the transfer papers and hand them to the man cloaked in black.

Thanatos- I hand my daughter her paperwork back as I take the offered transfer papers. "No, that is everything thank you." Taking my daughters hand. "Have a good day Gaggle."

Gaggle- (Nods) "You as well."

Thanatos- I lead us from the Goblin run facility. "Where do you wish to start?"

Niprihxity- I look around. "Well, I kinda need everything."

Thanatos- (Sighs) "Right." With that being said, we head off on a very extensive shopping trip.

Niprihxity- Going over the mental list in my head I get everything brand new from; trunk, telescope, pewter cauldron, glass vials, copper scales, telescope, packs of parchment, packs of quills, ink, journal, school books (years; one-eight), robes, dress robes, school uniform, everyday dress wear, broom and training gear.

Thanatos- She organizes everything into her new trunk. "Anything else?"

Niprihxity- I shake my head. "No, I've got a familiar I'm bonded with and a wand all my own."

Thanatos- (Smiles Proudly) "You are all set then, let's go."


Niprihxity- I look around the bright and lively castle in awe. "It really is different."

Thanatos- (Chuckles) "Well, Perhaps you can stop Albus from abusing the Castles power."

Niprihxity- (Nods) I follow my father into the school.

Thanatos- Leading us up to the Headmasters office, I knock on the door.

Armando- Hearing the knock. "Come in."

Thanatos- Opening the door, I lead my daughter in. "Hello old friend."

Armando- My eyes widen in shock. "Thanatos, what a pleasant surprise...what can I do for you?"

Thanatos- I hand him the transfer paperwork. "My daughter has just turned fifteen, can she come to Hogwarts?"

Armando- I glance from the paperwork to the beautiful child. "Well, of course she can." Getting the sorting hat. "Let's get you sorted dear." Setting the hat on her head.

Niprihxity- I glance up at the hat in distaste.


Armando- Taking the hat, I place it back on it's shelf. "Wonderful, I'll have a student meet you in the main hall to show you around." I wave the girl out.

Thanatos- Giving my daughter a hug. "Do behave."

Niprihxity- (Smirks) "Always, father." Taking the dismissal, I head down to the main hall.

(Main Hall)

Severus- My eyes widen in surprise when I see the female Malfoy look-alike. "You the new student?"

Niprihxity- I turn to look at the one who spoke and nearly hex the boy. (Nods)

Severus- I look the new Slytherin over in distaste. "What's your name?"

Niprihxity- (Smirks) "I'm Niprihxity Invidia."

Severus- My eyes widen to near saucers as my jaw practically hits the floor. "You're the daughter of Death and Time!"

Niprihxity- "Pleasure meeting you too and where are your manners, you don't disrespect a woman!"

Severus- (Gulps) "I am so sorry, please forgive me. Shall I show you around now?"

Niprihxity- "You're forgiven, but no thank you I'll show myself around." I leave the stupid boy standing there. (Mutters) "Asshole!"

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