6) End Of Evil

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3rd Person P.O.V- Sixth year comes faster then the teens are expecting and they are back at Hogwarts.

One Month Later

James- (Groans) "Mooney, she's not ignoring you."

Remus- (Frowns) "She's been distant ever since we got back to school. Is she seeing someone else? Is she cheating? Is she gonna break our bonding?"

Lily- (Huffs) Setting down my book, I get up and slap the pacing Werewolf. "Enough Remus Lupin! She is doing non of those things. I mean do Merlin's sakes she is bonded to you. If you got your head out of your ass, you'd see that Marlene and Julia has also been distant from Sirius and Peter as well!"

Remus- Glancing from the feisty redhead to Sirius and Peter, I see both of them look just as bad if not worse than me.

James- "Guys, get ahold of yourselves...Slytherin is going through a very rough patch right now and our girls are trying to smooth things over. Your gonna have to deal with it."

Two Weeks Later

Marlene- Looking around the Slytherin girls bathroom. "You do know, what your doing right?"

Julia- "We can only stall for so long."

Niprihxity- (Nods) "I know what I'm doing and thank you for helping me, even though you don't know the specifics."

Marlene and Julia- We wave it off. "We don't want to know."

Niprihxity- (Nods) Taking a deep breath, I slowly let it out. With a wave of my hand a portal appeared and I step through.

Dumbledore Private Corridors

Niprihxity- I step through and use my enhanced senses, seeing perfectly in the dark as I make my way over to the bed where the true evil lord lays sleeping. (Mutters) "Your time ends now!" Using the sylph that was gifted to my, I make a perfect slice as I take his soul and banish it to my father leaving a very dead shell behind. (Smirks Victoriously) Putting my sylph away, I make another portal and step through.

Slytherin Bathroom

Marlene- I just about jump out of my skin. "That was fast."

Niprihxity- (Shrugs) "It was an easy job, now let's go."

Julia- (Nods) "Good night." We head off to bed.

Next Day

James- I sit beside Lily at breakfast.

Lily- (Smiles Happily)

Sirius- Breakfast was a silent yet light affair, I'm joined by my girlfriend.

Marlene- (Hums Contently)

Peter- I was reading a book.

Julia- Reading along side my boyfriend, we study together.

Remus- Picking at my food. "What have you been up too?"

Niprihxity- "Family work, you'll see..." I take a sip of my tea.

Remus- I was a bit confused, until I picked up my copy of the Daily Prophet and read it;


The coffee I was drinking, I spit out. "It's over, we can live in peace..."

Niprihxity- (Hums) "We have a chance at a future." I glance over at those I consider my family and see the pure joy practically radiating off them.

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