3) The Boy With Honest Eyes

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Niprihxity- Making my towards Black Lake. "That fucking asshole!"

James- Startled by the feminine screech, we all look towards the unhappy blonde.

Peter- We watch the girl as she stomps towards the lake and sits down in a huff. "Who is she?"

Sirius- "Looks like a Slytherin, why should we care?"

Remus- "She's the new student, Niprihxity, I think her name is."

James- We all turn to Remus. "Where did you hear that?"

Remus- "Lily, she came to me upset because Severus was crying to her, because he pissed off the daughter to Death and Time."

Sirius- My eyes widen in shock. "Wait, I thought the girl was a myth."

Peter- (Snickers) "Go ask her."

Sirius- I shake my head. "Um, no, I'm good. She already seems upset."

James- "Remus, you go talk to her. If she doesn't hex you, then we know it's safe."

Remus- (Rolls Eyes) Getting up, I slowly approach the Slytherin. "May I join you? You seem lonely."

Niprihxity- I glance from the water towards the soft spoke voice. (Nods)

Remus- I sit down beside the girl. "If you don't mind me asking, who pissed you off?"

Niprihxity- (Huffs) "Stupid Slytherin boy with no decorum!"

Remus- (Hums) "Severus Snape, right?"

Niprihxity- (Nods)

Remus- "All of Gryffindor heard because he came crying to a friend Lily Evens."

Niprihxity- (Mutters) "Fucking cowered."

Remus- I decide to change the subject. "Make any friends yet?"

Niprihxity- Shaking my head. "Not yet."

Remus- (Hums Thoughtfully) "Are you opposed to a bit of House Unity? I can introduce you to some people who are dying to meet you."

Niprihxity- (Nods) "Okay."

Remus- Looking over to where I know my friends are, I wave them over.

James- We see Remus wave us over and jumping up from where we are hiding, we waltz over. "Hey beautiful."

Sirius- "Who broke your heart, such beautiful eyes shouldn't have tears."

Peter- I shove a bunch of candy into the girls lap.

Remus- (Whines) "Guys!"

Niprihxity- (Smiles) I hand most of the candy to the boy beside me. "Thank you."

James- We made the girl smile, that's all that matters.

Remus- There was something about this girl and catching her sent she was like me, immortal or not and it made her even more beautiful.

Niprihxity- I caught the honey colored eyes of the boy next to me and I obviously knew of his furry little problem. (Smiles) There was just something about him, that made him perfect to me.

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