Chatper 6 Prefect Escape?

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(Sorry if the last chaptered seen kinda of rushed, im going to try to slow it down alittle bit. But thanks for reading this far. Also sorry for the late post.)


"Singing is a way of escaping. It's another world. Im no longer on earth."


We kinda of left quickly than we could have supplied but we had a reason to rush. The day was new and the cold morning wrapped around our lungs. Making us finally stop from exhauston, the city behind us looked lifeless but we knew that currupted people already formed and took over.

Sadly the town we all use to live in was our past and only will be our past for now. We all took our first step to a better life and hopefully a better place. We all changed that day knowing that where ever we went from here, we will survive at any cost.

We walked into the forest where a small town was, but from what we have seen might nt be there. We walked and stepped close to eachother looking around from any animals that are ready to hunt us or us to hunt them. Hawkeye was out in front looking around to see if the town was close or if any unwanted strangers were near by.

The forest was didn't seem natural at all from the last time I was here. It felt like we were being watched from every angle, at every second, at every step we took. I knew it was nothing because Hawkeye and Blinded Lady weren't sensing any danger. For some reason I felt like something was wrong, like we were walking ourselves into a trap of some sorts.

The cool morning finally hid from the heated afternoon. I felt like we were going to melt away just as we walked. We all knew that we needed to find something to drink from, but the only fresh water source was back a town and no way in hell we were going back there. Even if it meant we would never find our families agains. 

The Blined Lady stopped us and gave a few hand justers and Mrs. Spark, Macho Man, and Hawkeye went behind a few trees, while she made herself look like a defenseless lady with two defenseless sons. We were the sons of course she whisper into our ears, "What ever you do act like we have been traveling for days with no food or water and act weak." We did as we were told.

Us three walked slowly as if we were sleep deprived and lack of water. We hear in the distance horses and going fast, some shouting and cursing. I knew these were people that became wild from what human tried to advoide. Primal habit... They quickly came upon us and surrounded us, we kept our cool and acted like weak, very weak people. By now i had no idea where the other three were. One of them that seem like the leader spoke to us, "Aww look men we have a women and children, I wonder if they need help."

I could tell they werent going to help but hurt us, but the motherly vocie of the Blinded Lady broke through the shouting and yelling, "Sir can you spare us some food and water, and we wont bother you at all." The men laughed at her, I never saw anyone acted so weak right after they sunk two people into the group and killed them.

"Sure we will give you something alright." The grin on his face made the fear rush through my body, I felt happy but still scared I was ready to act but all I knew was that the Blinded Lady was on the gorund bleeding and both me and Brad bound in shackles. The fear grew more and more and i wanted to do something to save her but something made me think she knew what she was doing.

"We are you taking us." I didnt mean to say anything but even my mind wanted to not say a thing but my fear said another.

They gave more laughes, "Well you two are going to be given to the highest bidder, you know people who want to break the rules they couldnt before." My heart stopped in that moment wondering where the others were, what were they doing to let us be stuck like this. The leader butted into my thoughts, then i knew that was his power, mind reading. "We knew their were more of you guys hiding in the trees a mile away. We already got them at our base, but i wonder which we are going to eat first. "

I saw the drool from their mouths, knowing they were thinking which person would taste better. I was afraid enough were the magic in me was scared too. I looked at Brad he sat their wordless thinking of something I didn't know what. He looked at me gave a wink and a smirk, I knew what that meant from watching him play football. He always gave the singal when he need a distraction, and i gave him one.

The fear built up in me finally released my powers and my hands became hotter and hotter, I said sorry to the horse and put my hand on it, leaving something worst than a brand. The horse jumped and threw both me and the leader onto the ground. I looked at Brad and all I saw was the rider with Brad was on the ground dead with his eyes poked out.

Brad pulled against the shackles and broke them off. He took a fighting stand and faced all the men, I was happy and felt my powers hide again, and soon after the ground out of my reach from me being held up by my hair with a knife to my neck.


Earlier That Day


Hawkeye's POV:

"Okay everyone I had the Blinded Lady make these rings, and had a helpfully grandmother do a spell on it. Where ever we are the rings will point us to where ever Blinded Lady is, So we can always find eachother." They all smiled but the worst part it on be on the outside of the skin but the inside. "Well bad news is it will be put under your skin so no one can take it off  unless you cut off your finger."

We did it quick and made sure the rings didnt show so no one would know they were there. I was glad but sadly I couldn't hear the joy or sorrow in their vocies. Still I was glad knowing we all had our way back to each other. We all knew what was going on and what will hapeen if we didn't stay together.


Present Time


I felt the the semihealed cut on my finger with hope that I will see these people again. My burts of my mind broke when the blade pressed against my skin cutting into it alitte. I could feel the small amout of blood run down. I looked into Brad's eyes as he held up his hands to make sure I would get hurt.

I was about to say something, but couldnt wen I was shut down by the leader's words, "Men let him become one with nature." One of the Men stepped forward and took a deep breath and not even I could have thought this would happen. The trees around began to curved the branches began to strench grabbing Brad's hands and pulling him up close to a tree, the bark grew over his hands and feet becoming normal.

I knew both of us were screwed... The Leader threw me back on the horse and we rode off I looked back seeing Brad one with nature. I started to loose my mind, knowing the Blinded Lady was taken down, Brad became a tree, and the rest of the group was already captured. My fear let my magic take over enough to make me pass out.

I woke up several hours later to Mrs. Spark yelling for me to wake up. "Not now ten more mintues." The men started to laugh, She yelled again and I finally woke up in a cage. I looked around all these men and women staring at me like livestock. I looked over Mrs Spark's and saw her worried face. I didn't see the rest of the crew just her. "Where is Macho Man and Hawkeye." She only shook her head with tears in hers eyes and asked what about Blinded Lady and Brad. I gave the same look...

The corward looking at me became quiet when the Leader shouted the bidding would start.... I heard people giving things up that would seem worthless in a normal world. I sat there hearing the bids...I watched as Mrs. Spark was sold away and taken away in chains. Then the Bid started for me..... I cried and soon passed out from tiredness. Just wondering who will I be stuck with....


(Hey if you enjoyed leave a like and comment. But thanks for reading so far and to any of those who will continue to read.)

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