Chapter 5

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Hehe sorry that last chapter was really long! I just want to warn any young ones reading these next 2 or 3 chapters may not be suitable for people uncomfortable with violence... sorry bout that.
Anyway enjoy!

Nobody's Pov

Marshall has written a little love letter for Everest. He leaves beside her water bowl. When Everest finds the note she picks it up and reads it.
Dear Everest
Look I really really like you. You're such a cute pup! I would be honoured if you would go to the dance with me. If you want to talk to me personally I'll meet you by the tree with the swing right now.
You're the best,
You're secret admirer
(I'm all fired up)
Everest~ awww that's so sweet! Well, at least I know Marshall likes me. Eek I can't wait to see him! I hope Rocky doesn't find out.

Chase~ what is this!?

Everest~ Chase! Um I-it's nothing. Now p-please give it back..

Chase~ oooo you've got a stupid love letter!? Huh he'll turn you down. You're pretty stupid you know?

Everest~ Chase! What's gotten into you!? Give it back!

Chase~ Me? Oh nothings wrong with me. But I'll give you back your stupid letter, but it'll be given back differently to how it was received.

Chase crumbled up the letter and through it Into Everest's water bowl.

Chase~ you wanna know what's up?


Chase~ oh you would want to find out wouldn't ya you nosy mutt. Just another stupid dog rejected me. And believe me I'll find another dog and me and her will run away together and anyone that gets in my way will be sorry!

Everest~..... um.. so w-who's this pup?

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