Chapter 4.

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This chapter is dedicated to @GinaVitulano because she is simply amazing and supportive. Thank you. x


Tim was sat at home- from not being on the case, and even though it was a Saturday, the admiral had made Gibbs and the team work- to get the case solved quicker.

Now that Aaron had his breakfast and was dressed, Tim decided to spend some quality time with his baby boy. He and Aaron went to the park and Aaron played on the playground for about an hour. Aaron then asked "can we go and see Ganpa" and then added "please".

Tim couldn't say no to him and technically NCIS told him he wasn't allowed work the case not visit his fiancée and boss.

Tim walked into the bullpen with Aaron holding his hand, there was currently no one in there so he sat at his desk reading the book he leaves there, and Aaron played with his toy cars until everyone got there.

About half an hour later, the team came back, unfortunately with the admiral. Both men exchanged glances but didn't speak to each other- which perhaps was a good thing.

Gibbs walked into the bullpen a couple of minutes later with his daily caffeine fix in his hand and he immediately noticed the tension that was in the air. He didn't have the time to say anything though because Aaron came attacking his leg wanting to be picked up whilst shouting "Ganpa".

Aaron sat with Gibbs for most of the afternoon occasionally trying to help but mostly playing with his cars and a couple of times Tim's phone. At one point during the day, Aaron got up off Gibbs' lap and went over to the admiral, with 4 pairs of eyes on him.

He politely held out his hand and said to the admiral "hi, my name Aaron", pointing to himself, "that my mama", pointing to Ziva, "that my daddy", pointing at Tim. "that my Dony", pointing to Tony and finally pointing at Gibbs he said "that my Ganpa". He paused for a moment and then asked the question nobody wanted him to ask "who you? What your name?"

The admiral kept quiet for a moment, determining whether to upset and confuse the child- possibly ruining all chances of ever having a civil conversation with his son or say his name and leave it at that.

"My name is John, nice to meet you"

Aaron shook his hand and went back to Gibbs and sat in his lap again. Then Tim thought it might be easier to take Aaron home now because the team had a lead on the case.


"You'd better come in, you wake anyone up and you are out understand?"

The admiral nodded and went inside and then said "I came to apologise Tim, for your whole life, I've chose to not regard you as my son because you wouldn't join the Navy. It was wrong of me and I'm sorry". Tim stayed silent for a moment an then asked "why now, now that I'm happy?".

"I need to sort things out before it's too late Tim",

"Too late for what Dad, I'm not going anywhere".

The admiral took a shaky breath and then continued "Sarah phoned me a couple of days ago, she has cancer Tim. They don't think it terminal but I can't lose both of you, I really want to patch things up with us".

"Look Dad, maybe tomorrow or on the weekend, I'll take you to dinner. Just don't say anything confusing to Aaron alright?",

"Will do son".

Tim sat on the couch, debating whether to ring his sister or not. Tim picked up his phone an found him dialling Sarah's number and almost immediately getting an answer on the receiving end,

"Hello, Sarah McGee",

"Hey Sarah, it's me Tim"

"Timmy, I'm so glad you called. I was wondering if it would be alright to stay with you for a bit, it's a bit lonely up here",

"Yeah of course it is, don't be silly. I've got some news for you but it's a surprise so you'll have wait until you arrive",

"Can't wait Tim, I'll see you soon, love you",

"Love you too Sarah".

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