Chapter 1

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You stood alongside a dozen or more individuals, all older than you with the exception of a young boy, who you guessed was around seven or eight.

Some people looked concerned, others angry but you felt dread at the idea of missing your maths class and possibly failing your finals. You either get through this or you die trying, and you didn't really mind either way.

In front of you was a chasm that you couldn't see the bottom of. One brave man took a running jump to try to make it to the other side. A winged creature with fangs longer than the guys arm snatched him out of the air. His screams were silenced with one bite of the creatures jaws. One of the women next to you started crying. You sighed, thinking of all the stuff you were missing.

You looked over at the little boy. To your surprise he was standing at the edge of the pit looking down. He stretched out his arms and gently fell into the chasm. Someone screamed.

You'd played video games and watched movies, so you knew what to do. Hopefully. You walked forward, ignoring the gasps and warnings of your fellow contestants, and with less than a quarter of the boys grace, tossed yourself into the chasm.

You heard more screaming and a soft thump. You hoped someone fainted. The thought itself was so funny to you after three nights of no sleep that if you hadn't been falling you would've laughed. You took a deep breath, closed your eyes and smiled one last time before hitting the ground.

But you didn't feel anything.

You opened your eyes to see that you were standing in front of the entrance to a huge hedge maze. The area was well lit, unlike the maze, but you could see the little boy inside smiling and beckoning you towards him.

Let the games begin.

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