Chapter 4

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You were surprised to say the least. Only three trials. Well, two and a half trials? To become a god? But you weren't about to ask for more trials, you weren't an idiot. Jenna lifted a hand beginning to speak.

"Wait, family? I never agreed to-"

She was cut off by a harsh white light enveloping you. You closed your eyes, blinded. You threw your hand out behind you grasping desperately for Jenna, not wanting to be alone in the white abyss. Your hand found hers, and you held on tightly. Well at least you didn't have to do your finals.

The light disappeared as quickly as it arrived, leaving you feeling hot and uncomfortable. You dared crack open an eye and noticed it was quite dark. You looked behind you and screamed as you saw the giant wave hurtling towards you. Jenna was screaming too and you scrambled back cursing under your breath. The wave hit you full force and you were drowning, the water swirling you around, lower and lower until you could feel something grasping your ankle and pulling hard. 'What in the actual fuck is happening right now?' you thought as you fell out the bottom of the water.

This time you hit the ground with a thud, groaning and slowly pulling yourself up. Jenna fell next to you letting out a long sigh. 'Fat mood Jenna, fat mood.'

Someone cleared their throat in front of you, and you looked up seeing a group of strangers in front of. You stood up, pulling Jenna up with you, and stood facing the people. At the front stood two figures in grey cloaks that covered their faces completely leaving, well pretty much everything to the imagination. Behind them stood an array of people, all of them completely different.

Jenna looked up at them and said, surprisingly brave for someone who'd been sobbing not ten minutes ago, "That was the worst cliché you could've picked."

The cloaked figure on the right looked over to the and said disapprovingly "See I told  you."

The other cleared his throat, clearly embarrassed and said "Since you've passed our trials, you have now become New Gods. All we have to do is give you your roles." One by one the other gods disappeared, leaving only the four of you. A thought struck you.

"Where is the boy?" You hadn't noticed that he was gone until now.

"A test, is all he was. He's no longer needed." Of fucking course. "Now," both figures turned to you and you gulped, not comfortable with the spotlight directly on you. "You have shown many strong qualities today and based off of that we have decided what you shall be the god of." Both of them raised their hands, pointing them at you. You felt the breath knocked out of you as you fell back, soul leaving your body, only to slam back in. You gasped, no longer feeling tired or sore. The figures spoke in unison.

"The god of many faces, of deceit and truth, of protection. The god of no name."

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