Chapter 3

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'What next?' A great question, which no one was able to answer. According to the woman she and the college guy had been here a good fifteen minutes, and had looked around but found nothing. There was nothing here but a huge rock wall. You looked over at the girl standing to the left of you staring into the maze. She hadn't said anything since her rescue, but her bleeding had stopped, which was good. Your ankle had stopped hurting too, along with the rest of your nicks and cuts.

The oldest two of this ragtag group debated over what to do next, not seeming to agree on anything. Not interested in the conversation and with maths and exams still in mind you wandered over to the girl. The two of you stood in silence for a few minutes, gazing into the darkness of the maze, until she broke the silence.

"Thank you." she said quietly, glancing over at you. You shrugged, looking down. "My name is Jenna." You looked up and gave her a small smile. You knew what she was going to say before she said it, and held up a hand.

"Not to be rude, but names have power and I need as much as I can get." you spoke softly, grinning like an idiot.

She snorted. "Yeah, you're probably right."

Out of nowhere the guy shouted "Harry Potter!" Max, or whatever the woman's name was, raised her hands and gave an exasperated shout of "The Hobbit!". The two of them had introduced each other earlier, but you honestly didn't care, more interested in finishing these 'trials' and getting back to school. You'd definitely missed maths class by now and you internally groaned. As the hobbit v potter debated got more intense you internally groaned louder.

"You know what?! If you're so certain it's Harry Potter, then go run into the wall!" Shouted Max. Well, probably Max at least. The guy (Andrew?) decided to do just that, but right before he hit the wall it shifted and opened up before him. He turned and gave a cocky grin to Max who walked after him. You went to follow, but were stopped by Jenna, who shook her head, eyes wide. Just then the wall closed with a sickening crunch. You both gasped looking on in horror as blood started to pour out of the closed trap. 'Then there were three,' you thought, tearing your eyes away from the gruesome spectacle before you. Jenna still had a tight grasp on your arm, breathing heavily.

"I guess we're even now, huh?" you said, detaching her hand from your arm and rubbing your neck awkwardly. You looked around, desperately looking for something, anything, that could help you and Jenna get out of here. Then the boy raised his arms, just like he did at the beginning of this shit storm, and a booming voice echoed around you. You winced, the sound reminding you of nails on a chalkboard.

"Congratulations! You've completed our trials! Welcome to the family New Gods!"

New Gods and maths classDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora