They found me

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I looked through the crack in the door, i stood scared, as exorcists searched the building. I was hiding in the kitchen of an abandoned hotel, I was counting the exorcist storming the building. I was so thankful that I was wearing a black hoodie and black jeans, it made it easier to hide in the dark.

/the ginger dude makes 64, the brunette with the tattoos makes 65/

I was silently looking over them all, as they stormed through the creaky old building. I knew they were searching for me, but i didn't know why.

When the four exorcists left the kitchen/dining room, I made a break for it, tumbling down the stairs, it took a second for my eyes to adjust to the lights, from the darkness, I was dodging the bullets and familiars. I ran down to the first step, Arthur stopped me. He effortlessly but the sword in my path.

"God dammit Arthur!"

"I am the paladin you must address me as so!"

I hopped on the railing to the wall, I hugged my knees as I launched myself through the window, I fell on my back, looking at the third story window where Arthur looked out of.

The sun was coming up as I painfully got up, I ran, I knew I was suppose to find my uncle Mephisto, I also knew he runs a school. I ran in the direction I thought it was in, I reached it about lunch time.

I was running through the lawn kids were laughing, chatting, eating, three kids were walking, one short kid with a buzzed head and red glasses, a muscular tall kid with blonde streak in his hair, and then one kid with pink hair.

I looked back Arthur was a hundred yards away. I ran into a sprint as fast as I could, I wasn't looking where I was going, I was looking at Arthur who was getting closer.


I turned my head just as I rammed myself into the pink haired kid, i landed on him, I got up at first I was shocked then I shook my head and was angry. I grunted and jumped up and over him.

"Hey where are you going!" the muscular kid yelled

I started to run but the muscular kid grabbed my hoodie, I spun around and punched his cheek, he let me go.

"What's your problem!?"

I ignored him, I started to run but Mephisto stood in front of me, smiling the creepy smile of his.

"Eins Zwei Drei!"


A light blue dome appeared around me, I glared at him knowing I couldn't get out, Arthur came running and looked at me then at Mephisto.

Then I sat on the ground, i crossed my arms over my chest, making the gash on my chest hurt, I winced. My hood was still up, and hiding the top half of my face in shadow.

I stared at Arthur and Mephisto arguing, the pink haired kid sat up looking at me, he stood, that other guy was mad he was yelling at me although I couldn't hear him.

He helped the pink haired kid up and they walked away, the pink haired kid kept turning around and looking at me, he said something to the other two boys and ran back.

/what now/

He sat and waved at me, I lazily waved back, it was more of a stick my arm out like two inches and use my thumb, index and middle finger.

He picked up a book an ran back to the other boys.

/this school already sucks/

Mephisto released the dome and Arthur picked me up by my hood.

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