Chapter 11

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•Camila's P.O.V•

We've just finished our show for the night and I couldn't see Y/N in the crowd or on the sides of the stage, she usually always watches our shows. As we come of the stage and shower I check my phone and I haven't had any notifications from Y/N and now I'm starting to worry. I approach Dinah and Lauren sat on the couch in the dressing room "Have any of you heard from Y/N? Because I haven't seen her or heard from her since she went out of the bus this afternoon" I asked with concern lacing my voice. "Nope haven't heard from her" came from the green eyed girl "Oh right, are you worried?" "No Camz, she's an adult, she can look after herself" oh well she's changed her tune about Y/N. As I'm about to answer I feel my phone vibrate as I look it's Shawn calling oh I'm gonna have to take this.

•Lauren's P.O.V•

I don't know what to do, I'm falling for Y/N but I don't want to make it obvious, I shouldn't be falling for her, Camz wants her I know she does but there's something about her that makes me feel a million different feelings. Last night I don't know what happened we were going to kiss, but then Camz caught us and I feel so bad. I wonder where Y/N is, maybe I should ring her. As I scroll through my contacts I find her number and ring, it goes straight to answerphone. Maybe Camz is right to be worried about her.

•Your P.O.V•
I left earlier to clear my head and as I was strolling around this city I found a bar, what else do you do if you're angry about something? Have a drink, that's probably the only thing I learnt from my father. I go to get my phone out but realise it's not there, I left it in the bunk before I walked out. I haven't got any money on me so I guess I'll have to go back as I can't pay on my phone now. I roll my eyes and turn around when a male voice stops me and asks "Aren't you going to get a drink before leaving?" I turn around and there's a guy in his 20's "Are you gonna buy me one or let me leave?" I replied, might as well get a free drink out of this, he laughs and asks me what would I like. We sit down by the bar and he buys me a drink. We talk for about half hour and when I'm about to tell him I'm going to make a move and leave he buys me another drink and this goes on for a few hours until I'm completely wasted. "Would you like to come to a house party?" The guy who's name I now know as is Morgan asks me. "Yeah go on then, is it far?" Morgan stands up and puts his hand out to help me up "No it's just a few blocks from here" I take his hand and his offer to go to this house party, what's the worse that can happen?

*A/N I haven't proof read sorry*

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