Chapter 13

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•Your P.O.V•

So here I am at this house party absolutely wasted I just feel like crying but I'm not letting anything that's happened with the girls ruin my night, I'm sure they've just thought fuck her lets leave because all I've done is cause drama between them. I can't find Morgan anywhere and some guy has tried hitting on me for the past hour, he got me a drink which I regret taking because since that I feel so weird just as if I'm going to pass out at any moment. My train of thought gets interrupted by the sound of sirens, Oh shit it's the fucking police I literally need to get out of here. As I'm stumbling to get out the back door the guy who got me a drink smiles at me and helps me get out, he takes me to the street and with my one arm wrapped around him to keep my self up and he has his arm wrapped around me to keep me up even though his hand is very low on my body, I'm not reacting because if he hasn't have helped me then I would've been arrested for sure by now. As we're walking my eyes feel heavier and heavier and that's where it all goes black.

•Lauren's P.O.V•

As we're walking around this neighbourhood we hear police sirens and try to find where they're coming from we see people running past us and others jumping into gardens to hide. Y/N can't be that far away by now. As we're walking the street we see some guy holding someone up she looks like she's past out. They're near a garden fence, out of the light. As we get closer we see that he's got her held up against this fence with his body we can't make out their faces so we carry on walking towards them. Just as we get closer the guy hides this girls face into him, Mani and I inspect as we're getting closer and we see his belt is undone and the girl he's holding has her pants down ever so slightly so that they're out of place.
"Babe, Babe. Wake up, we need to get out of here" is all I heard from this guy as we approach with caution. With this couple within a metre of us I see that the girl has my jacket on. "Oh my god" I gasp as Mani looks at me "Thats Y/N" I say in shock. Me and Mani literally launch at this guy without him noticing and as I pull him of Y/N, she goes to fall to the floor and Mani just about manages to catch her. I have him in my grips and against the fence and punch him in the face a couple of times and he falls to the floor. I pull my phone out of my pocket and ring Dinah, it rings a few times before she picks up.

Lauren have you found Y/N?

Yes can you guys come and pick us up. I'll explain once you've got us but it's not looking good Dinah so please hurry!

Yes of course send me your location and we'll be on our way! Is she hurt?

Honestly, I don't know as of this moment but please hurry

I hang up and send Dinah my location. I hope they don't take too long. We need something to wake Y/N, what has this asshole done to her. She looked so small next to him, he could've done anything to her. I hope she's okay, seeing her in this state just makes me want to protect her and love her so she's never like this again.

•Camila's P.O.V•

Me, Ally and Dinah are sat on the bus just talking about the show when Dinah gets a phone call the only things Dinah says is "Lauren have you found Y/N?" There's a pause as Ally and I stare at Dinah wanting to know more. "Yes of course send me your location and we'll be on our way! Is she hurt?" Now I'm really staring at Dinah. There's a pause again before she hangs up and tells the driver we need to go! Oh shit Y/N is in trouble! What have I done?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2018 ⏰

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