Helpful apps

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These helpful apps are based off for school. They can help you memorize whatever you're studying, keep track of your work, language, answers to math problems, and whatnot.💁🏽‍♀️

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You can create flash cards to help out with your studying.

Helps keep track of your schedule.

This will help with languages. Like, Spanish, French, and etc..

Google docs:
You can write notes, essays, and complete your assignments.

Google classroom:
I've tried this, and really it's amazing! Some teachers do Google Classroom. This is helpful to turn in your assignments and catch up on projects.

I love this app so so much, it's a five star. Really lovely. This app will scan a math problem and it'll give you the answer, it'll also tell you how it got it's answer, step by step. I recommend it if you're struggling in math.

This is like a game, but it quizzes you and does reviews.

You can take a picture of a problem you don't understand and it'll solve it for you. Helps on any subject.

Google slides:
Google slides is awesome! It helps with PowerPoints, presentations, projects, and assignments.

That's about it. Tell me which app you'll use, and what it helped you with.


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