Chapter 1: What Is Up, Everybody?

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The cheerful introduction echoed throughout the empty living room as Thomas started his video. But, as was typical when he had a dilemma, it wasn't empty for long. One by one, the multiple facets of Thomas' personality appeared.

"Oh, hey guys," Thomas said.

"Hey, kiddo," replied Patton, the embodiment of most of Thomas' feelings. "What seems to be the issue?"

"If this is about your motivation," chimed in Logan, Thomas' logical side, "might I remind you that we've already made two videos on the subject. If you've found that none of those strategies were effective--"

"No, it's not that. At least, not right now."

"Then what could it be?" Exclaimed Roman, the side of creativity. Although, sometimes, creative didn't even begin to describe Roman's outbursts.

"Virgil." Roman turned towards the anxious side. "Do you know what's going on?"

Virgil shifted in his seat on the stairs. At least nobody was blaming him for Thomas' issues anymore.

"I mean, you're on schedule. I don't, feel anything wrong, which is weird. I've got no complaints."

"It's just, I feel, anxious, I guess."

Everyone in the room glanced at Virgil, but Thomas shook his head.

"No, not like that. I've been thinking... about Deceit. And the other Sides."

"The Dark Sides..." Roman let his voice dramatically trail off.

"Yeah, those. It's just, I thought I was a good person. How can I have these 'Dark Sides' and still consider myself to be 'good'?"

"Thomas," Logan began. "No one is a completely good person all of the time. Everyone has both light and dark inside of them. What matters are the parts we choose to act on. That is who we truly are."

"You sound like Sirius Black." Patton jumped up and down, fanboying over his love of any form of Harry Potter reference.

"Well, I am serious. And I do wear black all of the time, Patton; we never change our clothes."

"Except that one time. Remember?" Roman disappeared then almost immediately popped back up with his old outfit. "I mean, can you believe I used to wear these old rags? I mean, just the lack of decoration—"

"We're getting off task," Virgil scowled. "Thomas, those...other...sides. They're still going to exist no matter what. As long as you listen to the good parts of yourself, you will be ok."

"Wow, Virgil." Thomas said. "That's, actually really helpful. Thank you."

"I'm not always the bad guy," Virgil muttered under his breath.

"Statistically speaking, although you have caused issues for Thomas in the past—"

"Don't you dare insult my son, Logic."

"As I was saying, Patton, although you have caused issues for Thomas before, Virgil, you also solve many problems for him, as well. Without you, Thomas would lose a large part of his personality."

"What, you're not breaking out that ridiculous graph again?" Roman snickered.

"Yerkes-Dodson curve," Logan spat back, holding up a very large, bell shaped curve drawn neatly on some poster board.

"Easy guys," Thomas said. "I think I understand what you're all trying to say. I should learn to love and accept myself, especially the fact that I'm not perfect. But, no one really is.

"And for all of you out there..."

As Thomas started giving his final monologue, Virgil sunk back down and went into his room. All of this talk about the 'Dark Sides' had stirred up some bad memories.

He found his headphones and put on Welcome to the Black Parade, which was always his go to song for when his anxiety got heightened. Closing his eyes, he tried to relax on the couch, attempting to not think about....them.

Suddenly, Virgil became aware of a presence in the room. At first he thought his feelings were playing a trick on him, but then he felt it. And then, it spoke.

"Hello, Anxiety. Long time no see."

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