Chapter 12: The Truth Will Set You Free

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"Deceit leaving was probably the worst thing to ever happen to us," Anger said as everyone stood around the living room.

Ever since Deceit had ducked out Thomas had been calling the Sides up for every single dilemma he had. Mostly it wasn't even a dilemma; he just wanted to make sure everyone was aware of everything going on in his life.

"Agreed," Roman said. "I can hardly get my beauty sleep anymore."

"I can hardly get sleep anymore, period." Said Laziness, yawning.

"What is up, everybody?," Thomas said walking into the room.

"Hi Thomas," everyone replied, albeit a little dejectedly.

"Let's get this over with," muttered Logan.

"First off, just wanted to let all of you know that I haven't washed this shirt in over a week."

"That's not new information. Also, that is disgusting." Logan took a step away from Thomas. "And I thought that smell was from the garbage."

"No it is. I haven't emptied it yet."

Everyone groaned.

"Kiddo," Patton chimed in. "Don't you think you could try a little bit harder at adultery?"

"Well, considering my love life I don't think I can. Oh, wait, you meant, like, becoming an adult!"

"Yeah...what did you think I meant?"

"Well I thought—"

"Thomas, no. We've discussed this before, and I thought we agreed we wouldn't tell him about...that word." Logan interrupted.

"But Logan, wouldn't that be lying?"

"No, I'm not...I wouldn't...It's just...can we focus on the subject at hand so all of us can have some rest?"

"Ok, then. So I've been noticing this rash by my—"

"NOPE! I'm leaving!" Anger covered his eyes and sunk down, probably to get some sleep in Logan's room.

Considering how loud and animated the other Sides could be, Logan's room was the only place of quiet solitude. For any chance at rest all the Sides had to do was go into Logan's room and read one of his textbooks or listen to him talk. It knocked everyone right out.

"Ok, guess I'm kicking in here," Virgil muttered. "Thomas, doesn't all of this make you feel..awkward? You don't have to tell everyone everything all the time. What if you scare them away?"

"But I want to be honest with you guys."

"Thomas, there's a fine line between honesty and over sharing," Said Logan. "And I'm afraid you've crossed it. Several times. Maybe if you..."

Logan noticed Thomas had taken his phone out and was typing something down. "What are you doing?"

"Hold on....and there! I was just tweeting about the new cartoon therapy. New characters, new shows. I'm sure everyone is going to be so excited."

"You haven't even started editing that video yet!"

"Not to mention that you were keeping everything a secret on purpose!" Roman looked furious. "All of that hard work; you stayed away from social media for weeks during filming! This was supposed to be a dramatic reveal that no one was expecting. And you've ruined it!"

"But isn't keeping secrets wrong?"

"Only if you're trying to harm someone, but some secrets are necessary," Logan said. "Telling secrets can betray the trust of friends, or can ruin something that would be more pleasant in the later run."

"Like a surprise birthday party!" Patton exclaimed.

"Yes, I suppose that would be an appropriate example." Logan sighed. "What on Earth is wrong with him?"

"Do you think it could have something to do with Deceit leaving?" Laziness said, attempting to sleep on Logan's shoulder.

"I mean, possibly." Logan shoved Laziness off. "If there is any similarity to when Virgil left, that could tell us definitively."

"Well, Thomas has already started acting like a reckless idiot," Roman grumbled. "We could try summoning Deceit, but personally I don't feel like dealing with Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Lied right now."

"Agreed." Logan began pondering the other options. "There was one more thing...Virgil, when you left, none of us felt anxious, either. The only difference is that we don't feel it as extremely as Thomas does."

"So you're suggesting that we try lying to each other?" Virgil asked.

"Yes, that was what I was getting at. Now, who would like to go first?"

No one raised their hands.

"Fine. I guess I shall take charge." Logan adjusted his tie. "Ask me any question, and I will attempt to lie in response."

"What's two plus two?" Patton asked.

"Simple, it's four. I won't disgrace math, Patton."

"Wrong, it's fish! You see, when you tilt them like so—"

"Alright, I'll go next." Roman interrupted.

"How large is your ego?" Snickered Laziness.

Roman gasped. "How dare you? Everyone knows that my ego is just a front for my deep insecurities and my need to be the center of attention out of fear of becoming obsolete. I don't see why you would be joking about it."

Everyone stood in stunned silence.

"I meant....umm.... could we please forget everything I just said?"

"I mean, I forget everything," said Laziness. "Actually, all of those times Thomas failed to remember something it wasn't Logan's fault like you thought; it was me."

"Why you little—"

"Yep, that proves it." Virgil said, trying to get between the two Sides. "Now the real question is who is going to find Deceit and bring him back?"

"NOT IT!" Screamed Roman, and everyone except Virgil followed suit.

"Great. Thanks guys."

"You're welcome, my dark and stormy night."

Virgil rolled his eyes. "I'll be back soon," he said, sinking into the ground.

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